The Catalan composer and pianist Federico Mompou’s style grew out of French impressionism; some early pieces immediately bring Debussy to mind. But the influence of Erik Satie can also be heard on Mompou’s masterwork, Musica Callada (“Silent Music”), a work consisting of 28 miniatures, divided into four books, that Mompou wrote between 1959 and 1967. The music is enigmatic, minimalist, and entrancing. The piece was first performed by Alicia de Larrocha, who was one of the composer’s greatest interpreters, in 1974. Here, the excellent pianist Jenny Lin brings out the essence of this pure, intimate piece. Unlike other great works in the piano literature, Musica Callada does not demand bravura performance, but it does require great insight and sensitivity. It’s quiet throughout most of its length, and one can make connections to Morton Feldman or the Bill Evans-influenced jazz pianists who record for ECM. The album comes to a nice close with Secreto, which is part of Impresiones Intimas, a piano set completed in 1914.