In 2010, Brooklyn’s Chappo released the EP Plastique Universe, and nestled among the five tracks was a song Apple snapped up for an iPod commercial. “Come Home” was picked up again in 2012 by some hip marketer for a Sears refrigerator commercial, and the tune’s infectious jangle drove viewers to the Web in search of the song. It’s a killer, with Alex Chappo’s slightly detectable Louisiana drawl sweetening the deal, his barked lyrics riding atop hip-shaking, seesawing guitars and a smile-inducing melody. “Come Home” is included here on Chappo’s second full-length release, and the song's a perfect intro to the band. There are ‘70s guitar riffs, pinwheeling neon colors à la The Flaming Lips, glam swagger, and faint whiffs of patchouli and incense; Chappo uses synths to rock in the same way E.L.O. did before synths were a widely embraced rock trope. “Hell No” pits Beach Boys–style vocal cooing against spastic guitar clang, and there’s a hint of nostalgia in the emphatic hooks of “What Are You Kids On?,” the wall-rattling toms of “Explode,” and the guitar chug of “5-0.” Satisfying and delicious!
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