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- Various Artists
- Vários intérpretes
- Various Artists
- Contineltal Groove, The Soho Emsemble, Purity Of Soul, Martin Franklin, The Unsure Ginger, Surrogate Wanker, Carl Kennedy, The Sofa Ensemble, The Ninth Moonshine, Michel Poison, Eduard Smith, Soulful Vex, House 99, Something Coalition, Sonny Fasser, Real System, Milton Diaz, 6th Floor Groove, Atlantic Avenue & The #45 sproof
- La Deep, Karl van Dee, Deep Project, Johannes Lange, Lunatic Youth, Marley Banks, Hornet Delty, Philosophy Route, Elektro Mind, Jef Cambusa, John Titos, Karismatic, Makako, Noise Section, The Fighter, Black Game, Gray Zone, Markus Lestelle, Tony Key & Deep System