Captain Kirk lives! With an eclectic set of songs about space, William Shatner continues his hilarious, touching, inspired, and insane approach to music. Since he isn’t really a singer, he surrounds himself with folks like Brad Paisley, Sheryl Crow, and Lyle Lovett to help with the heavy lifting. But the fact is, this album wouldn’t be half as enjoyable without Shatner yelling “Come on!” throughout Deep Purple’s “Space Truckin’,” featuring a guitar solo from Texas bluesman Johnny Winter. Just as Shatner’s 1968 album (The Transformed Man) and his 2004 comeback (Has Been) featured unexpected covers, Seeking Major Tom includes a compelling list of tunes. The Police’s “Walking on the Moon,” with Toots Hibbert, is passionately bizarre. Thomas Dolby’s “She Blinded Me with Science” is the perfect joke for the former commander of the USS Enterprise. Still, the choices are informed. Hawkwind’s classic “Silver Machine,” The Byrds’ “Mr. Spaceman,” Steve Miller’s “Space Cowboy,” and Black Sabbath’s “Iron Man” are all rendered in the most Shatnered of tones. An absolute joy and perfect for parties.
- 2018
- Leonard Nimoy
- Richard Cheese
- Jonathan Coulton
- Dr. Demento