- The Royal Netherlands Army Band 'Johan Willem Friso', Hans Leenders, Josef Suilen, 작센 브라스 필하모니, Lex van Diepen, The Concert Band of the German Armed Forces, LTC Walter Ratzek, Civia Filarmonica di Lugano, Franco Cesarini, The Midwest Winds, Peter Kleine Schaars, 헨리 애덤스, Fanfarekorps Koninklijke Landmacht, Jan Nellestijn, The Police Band of Baden-Württemberg, Toni Scholl, Mistral Wind Orchestra, Bart Picqueur, Fanfare Band of the Royal Netherlands Army Mounted Regiments, Tijmen Botma, Gobelinmusic.com Band, Deutsche Bläserphilharmonie & Walter Ratzek
- The Bruckner Wind Ensemble, Thomas Doss, Nagoya University of Arts Wind Orchestra, 얀 반 데르 루스트, The Slovenian Police Band, Peter Kleine Schaars, 작센 브라스 필하모니, Jan Cober & Midwest Winds
- 요한 빌렘 프리소 군악대, Tijmen Botma & Jan de Haan
- 요한 빌렘 프리소 군악대, Alex Schillings, 도쿄 코세이 윈드 오케스트라, Jan de Haan, The Symphonic Band of the Lemmens Conservatory, 얀 반 데르 루스트, The Band of the Belgian Air Force, Alain Crépin, The Royal Military Band of the Netherlands, Pierre Kuipers, The Symphonic band of the Belgian Navy & Tijmen Botma
- Antwerp Winds & Juri Briat
- 버트 애퍼몬트 & Luftwaffenmusikkorps 3, Münster