- Thomas Doss & The Royal Netherlands Army Band 'Johan Willem Friso'
- The Royal Military Band of the Netherlands & Major Pieter Jansen
- Landespolizeiorchester Rheinland-Pfalz, Norbert Herbertinger, The Concert Band of the German Armed Forces, OTL Christoph Scheibling, The Royal Netherlands Army Band 'Johan Willem Friso', Major Tijmen Botma, Symphonic Winds Tyrol, Johhny Ekkelboom, Brassband Oberösterreich & Hannes Buchegger
- Antwerp Winds & Juri Briat
- Deutsche Bläserphilharmonie & Walter Ratzek
- Nagoya University of Arts Wind Orchestra, Jan Van der Roost & Masaichi Takeuchi
- The Royal Symphonic Band of the Belgian Guides & Yves Segers