Though Prince Jammy would eventually make his name by ushering in the digital dancehall era with his thunderous production of Wayne Smith’s “Under Mi Sleng Teng,” Destroys the Invaders finds Jammy working in an organic roots mode redolent of the finely tuned productions of his mentor King Tubby. The unearthly synth-washes, and deeply minimal rhythms of tracks like “Martian Encounter” and “War In the Asteroid Belt” certainly fulfill the thematic promise of the album’s title, evoking the limitless expanses and disorienting sensations of deep space. However, Jammy’s knob-twiddling finesse only accounts for half of Destroys the Invaders greatness, the explosive snare hits and floor-rattling bass lines come courtesy of the redoubtable Roots Radics, whose arid sound and machine-like discipline did much to prepare Jamaican listeners for the advent of digital rhythms. A fine set from the waning days of roots reggae, Destroys the Invaders sees Jammy and the Roots Radics operating at the peak of their always formidable powers.
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