更多Danish Concert Band的作品
- 2003年
- 1988年
- Ad Hoc Wind Orchestra
- Thomas Doss & Bruckner Wind Esemble Linz
- Neuer Kammerchor Heidenheim, Landesblasorchester Baden-Württemberg, Björn Bus & Katarzyna Jagiello
- Various Orchestras, 德瑞克 · 布爾喬亞, Gerhard Sporken, Peter Snellinckx, Gérard Besse & 艾倫・克賓
- The Royal Norwegian Navy Band & Trond Korsgard
- 詹姆斯 · 科诺, The Band of the Royal Netherlands Air Force, The Shobi Wind Orchestra, The University of lowa Symphony Band, The J. W. F. Military Band, The Symphonic band of the Belgian Navy, 比利時皇家禁衛軍交響管樂團, Myron D. Welch & 諾伯・諾茲
- Harlan D. Parker & Peabody Conservatory Wind Ensemble