- 2011년
- Thomas Doss & The Royal Netherlands Army Band 'Johan Willem Friso'
- Nagoya University of Arts Wind Orchestra, 얀 반 데르 루스트, Masaichi Takeuchi & Jan de Haan
- Thomas Doss & 작센 브라스 필하모니
- Antwerp Winds & The Royal Netherlands Army Band 'Johan Willem Friso'
- Kevin Houben, Nagoya University of Arts Wind Orchestra & The Royal Netherlands Army Band 'Johan Willem Friso'
- 요한 빌렘 프리소 군악대, Alex Schillings, 도쿄 코세이 윈드 오케스트라, Jan de Haan, The Symphonic Band of the Lemmens Conservatory, 얀 반 데르 루스트, The Band of the Belgian Air Force, Alain Crépin, The Royal Military Band of the Netherlands, Pierre Kuipers, The Symphonic band of the Belgian Navy & Tijmen Botma
- The Bruckner Wind Ensemble, Thomas Doss, Nagoya University of Arts Wind Orchestra, 얀 반 데르 루스트, The Slovenian Police Band, Peter Kleine Schaars, 작센 브라스 필하모니, Jan Cober & Midwest Winds