Plus de titres par Linn Barnes and Allison Hampton
- 2007
- 2002
- Anonymous 4
- Baltimore Consort, Custer Larue, Webb Wiggins, Chris Norman & Larry Lipkis
- Joel Cohen & The Boston Camerata
- English Medieval Wind Ensemble, Mark Brown & Pro Cantione Antiqua
- Matthew Spring, Sara Stowe, James Weeks, Queens' College Choir, Cambridge, Ian Giles, Giles Lewin, Spiers and Boden Duo, Worcester College Choir, Christopher Sparkhall, Magdalen College Choir, Oxford, Bill Ives, Jon Banks, Heather Birt, Niall Mushet, Martin Souter, Sarah Hill, Sarah Tenant-Flowers, Singscape, John Spiers & Jon Boden
- Apollo's Fire, Jeannette Sorrell & Sandra Simon