Pianist and composer Marina Baranova, a native of the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv, evokes memories of Christmases past to rouse feelings of loving kindness in the present. White Letters recalls a saying of Rabbi Levi Isaac of Berdychiv, among the great early Hasidic visionaries, who urged people to search for life’s meaning between the lines of black type. As the great-granddaughter of a rabbi herself, Baranova’s reflections offer fresh perspectives on Christmas and its power to unite people of all faiths and none. Her delicate playing of classical miniatures and new works creates a mood of sublime stillness, intensified by her heart-melting Homeland, meditation on a movement from Saint-Saëns’ Oratorio de Noël, and tender arrangement of Debussy’s Carol of the Homeless Children, originally composed in December 1915 to raise awareness of civilian lives upended by war.