Latest Release

- SEP 15, 2023
- 1 Song
- Eins & eins · 1979
- Amygdala (Bonus Track Version) · 2013
- Hildegard Knef singt Cole Porter · 1968
- Heimweh-Blues / Da ist eine Zeit · 1995
- Und ich dreh' mich nochmal um / Ich bin den weiten Weg gegangen · 2009
- Starke Frauen · 1967
- Und ich dreh' mich nochmal um / Ich bin den weiten Weg gegangen · 2009
- Hier, in dieser Stadt - Single · 2023
- Pocahontas (Deutscher Original Film-Soundtrack) · 1995
- Eins & eins · 1979
- 1979
Music Videos
Artist Playlists
- The actress won fans over with her cabaret-ready voice and lyrics.
Singles & EPs
Live Albums
About Hildegard Knef
Although Hildegard Knef (aka Hildegard Neff, or simply "Die Knef") was best known in her native Germany as an important actress, she was also an accomplished musician. Working primarily with the German chanson, she released over 20 albums and recorded over 300 songs (many composed by her). Knef launched herself as a chansonette with the release of hit songs like "Fur Mich Soll's Rote Rosen Regnen" (It Shall Rain Red Roses for Me) and "Ich Hab Noch Einen Koffer in Berlin" (I've Got a Suitcase Left in Berlin). Her popularity stretched into the following decade, after which Knef devoted most of her energy to writing. ~ TiVo Staff
- Ulm, Germany
- December 28, 1925
- German Pop