With a career spanning more than 40 years, Laurika Rauch has earned the impact and longevity that few artists can match, pioneering the revival of popular Afrikaans music and representing South Africa across the global stage for decades. For Amaqhawe, our celebration of South Africa’s musical legends, the Hall of Fame member curates a cross-generational playlist of tracks from her fellow Mzansi icons, including Vusi Mahlasela, David Kramer, Johnny Clegg, Master KG, Miriam Makeba, Jack Parow, Mango Groove, Karen Zoid, Ladysmith Black Mambazo and more. “Most of these songs have played a part in giving me a sense of belonging,” Rauch tells Apple Music. “These songs have shaped my consciousness and have influenced me musically, even if it was only subliminally. I salute these artists."