elea ha compartido esto
Day 3 of my IMD MBA elective "Mastering the Art of Impact Investing: Balancing Risk, Return, and Impact" Thank you Adrian Ackeret and Niloufar Aazam-Zanganeh from elea Foundation for a fascinating session with our IMD MBA class. What started as an exploration of your #duediligence process evolved into much broader insights about #philanthropic #impactinvesting in practice. Through hands-on case analysis, our class had the opportunity to perform light due diligence on two potential investments (real companies), working to determine how to allocate a theoretical $1 million investment. This exercise revealed how elea balances #risk, #return, and #impact in the decision making– truly an art that requires both sharp technical skills and #human #judgment. You shared how elea's approach goes far beyond traditional investment analysis. Your flexible capital deployment of $200-500k, primarily through #equity structures, creates strong alignment with entrepreneurs while giving them the #autonomy needed to grow. This flexibility, combined with thorough due diligence and continuous post-investment #support through board seats and #strategic guidance, enables true #partnership with portfolio companies as they navigate complex challenges. Your global portfolio across agricultural value chains, employable skills, climate and livelihoods, and last-mile retail demonstrated how this comprehensive approach can be adapted across different contexts while maintaining local relevance. Thanks for the inspiring lessons to anyone looking to bridge the gap between investment returns and meaningful #socialimpact. #ImpactInvesting #SocialEnterprise #imdimpact Amanda Turner Ege we missed you I Peter Wuffli Andreas R. Kirchschlaeger