Mexico Oil & Gas

Mexico Oil & Gas

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The most relevant industry information from Mexico Oil & Gas Review, Mexico Oil & Gas Summit, and Mexico Business News!

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President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has placed his bets firmly on the country's oil and gas industry, with the revitalization of PEMEX as his principal target. From the refinancing of the NOC's significant debt to the funding of a mega-refinery in Dos Bocas, the president is reviving the NOC to help it recover former glories. The heavy financial commitments to back the development of 23 new fields toward 2023 and further exploration to replenish falling 3P stocks into the long term has given shape to the administration's national economic strategy. Eyes are firmly fixed on PEMEX and its leading role in the 2.6MMb/d production target for 2024. Meanwhile, private operators have made headway in their commitments to contracts won in earlier rounds. Onshore private operators are already producing, while Eni became the first private operator to produce offshore in 2019. More companies will follow in 2020 and 2021. As the Mexican oil and gas industry changes, PEMEX, private operators, suppliers and service providers find themselves at a turning point, where success will depend on their ability to adapt to the workings and needs of an entirely new market, which is still being defined today. Mexico Oil & Gas Review provides readers with an in-depth understanding of the new industry settings, which are key to succeeding in the new environment and leveraging the multitude of emerging opportunities. The topics presented are those that will matter most to the key stakeholders driving the evolution of the industry, making Mexico Oil & Gas Review the ultimate industry reference.

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