Moving Boundaries Collaborative

Moving Boundaries Collaborative


San Diego/Porto , California US/Portugal 1591 seguidores

Human Sciences and the Future of Architecture and Neuroarchitecture - Join the Design for Health Movement

Sobre nosotros

Moving Boundaries Collaborative is founded and directed by Professor Tatiana Berger, Architect, Educator, Consultant and member of the ANFA Advisory Council. MB is an international and interdisciplinary initiative which is commited to human-centered architecture and design. We partner with ANFA and EDRA on some of our initiatives and we help by sponsoring conferences of both organizations. We seek to disseminate knowledge at the interface of neuroscience, cognitive science, environmental psychology, architecture and design by means of research, education and advocacy. Based in La Jolla, California, which is the home of the venerable Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture (ANFA), and in Porto, Portugal, connected by an active network of collaborations with kindred schools of design around the world, Moving Boundaries curates a global community of students, professionals, and organizations that share our vision and values. Moving Boundaries organizes two courses/conferences each year, in different fascinating locations around the world. After holding courses in Iberia, Mexico and Italy in 2022-23, the fourth edition of the course is being prepared in Scandinavia (Aug.2024) and the fifth in northern (rural) Portugal (March 2025). MB offers thousands of dollars in scholarships to students each year. In addition to education, MB Collaborative is engaged in research, advocacy and design-health consulting. We are working on a major publication for 2026. Our work is animated by ideas and creations of such notable architects as Richard Neutra, Frank Lloyd Wright, Alvaro Siza, Louis Kahn, Alvar Aalto, Carlo Scarpa, Luis Barragan and Juhani Pallasmaa. The collective legacy of these individuals demands that we view design from an uncompromisingly humanistic perspective, committed to personal flourishing and centered on the individual's physical health and psychological wellness.

Sitio web
Tamaño de la empresa
De 11 a 50 empleados
San Diego/Porto , California US/Portugal
Empresa propia
neuroarchitecture, architecture, design, interior design, lighting design, cognitive science, neuroscience for architecture, design research, design publications, architecture education , restorative environments, design and health, urban design, education, research y human-centered design


Empleados en Moving Boundaries Collaborative


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