📰 La deuxième réunion plénière du Comité des #CCE de Malaisie a été consacrée à la relation bilatérale entre la Malaisie et Singapour. Cette réunion a réuni les Comités CCE des deux pays en visioconférence, sous le patronage d' Adeline-Lise KHOV, Cheffe du Service Économique Régional de Singapour, et de Michel Cywinski, Chef du Service Économique de Kuala Lumpur. La session a été marquée par des échanges très informatifs autour de la nouvelle zone économique Johor-Singapour (JS-SEZ), enrichis par les interventions de RUDYANTO Azhar (Iskandar Regional Development Authority) et de Suhaimi Ilias (Maybank Research Center). La JS-SEZ se distingue par : 🎯 7 zones phares (flagship areas) 🎯 11 secteurs économiques clés 🎯 1 régime fiscal avantageux et des conditions de vie de haut standard, faisant de cette zone une région attrayante avec de nombreuses opportunités à venir. 📰 The second plenary meeting of the CCE Committee of Malaysia focused on the bilateral relationship between Malaysia and Singapore. This meeting brought together the CCE Committees of both countries via video conference, under the patronage of Adeline Lise KHOV, Head of the Regional Economic Service of Singapore, and Michel Cywinski, Head of the Economic Service of Kuala Lumpur. The session was marked by highly informative discussions on the new Johor-Singapore Economic Zone (JS-SEZ), enriched by contributions from Rudyanto Azhar (Iskandar Regional Development Authority) and Suhaimi Ilias (Maybank Research Center). The JS-SEZ boasts: 🎯 7 flagship zones 🎯 11 economic sectors 🎯 1 favorable tax regime and high living standards and infrastructure, making it an attractive area with numerous opportunities for the future business.
CCE Malaysia - French foreign trade advisors (les conseillers du Commerce Exterieur de la France)
Organisasi Sivik dan Sosial
Conseillers du Commerce Exterieur de la France en Malaisie. Notre passion, la France. Notre mission, le monde.
Perihal kami
The CCEF (Foreign trade advisors) are invested by the public authorities with 4 missions: advising the public authorities, supporting businesses, training young people abroad and promoting the attractiveness of France. We carry out concrete actions on a daily basis in partnership with public and private actors, having a role in promoting and supporting the internationalization of French companies. The CCE are nominated by decree of the Prime Minister for periods of 3 years. Les CCE sont investis par les pouvoirs publics de quatre missions: le conseil aux pouvoirs publics, l'appui aux entreprises, la formation des jeunes à l'international et la promotion de l'attractivité de la France. Nous exerçons au quotidien des actions concrètes en partenariat avec les acteurs publics et privés ayant un role dans la promotion et l'appui à l'internationalisation des entreprises françaises.
- Laman web
Pautan luaran untuk CCE Malaysia - French foreign trade advisors (les conseillers du Commerce Exterieur de la France)
- Industri
- Organisasi Sivik dan Sosial
- Saiz syarikat
- 11-50 pekerja
- Ibu pejabat
- kuala lumpur
- Jenis
- Agensi Kerajaan
- Ditubuhkan
- 1898
- Pengkhususan
- foreign trade, international commerce
kuala lumpur, MY
Pekerja di CCE Malaysia - French foreign trade advisors (les conseillers du Commerce Exterieur de la France)
Kemas Kini
🇫🇷 🇲🇾 Zoom sur les "Pépites" 👇🏼 document de référence rédigé par les CCE de Malaisie dédié aux secteurs d’activité clés et/ou aux opportunités pour les entreprises françaises en Malaisie. 📢 Un 1er extrait sur le soutien aux PME et l’Entreprenariat en Malaisie, rédigé en partie par Elisabeth Laubel 💡 CCE Malaysia - French foreign trade advisors (les conseillers du Commerce Exterieur de la France) CCIFM - CCI France Malaysia Business France Asean Pacific Axel Cruau Michel Cywinski
📣 Official announcement made on 20 January 2025 by Ursula von der Leyen on the re-launch of the negotiations for an EU-Malaysia Free Trade Agreement 👇 https://lnkd.in/gn2AZwad "With trade between us already worth €45 billion annually, we will unlock even greater benefits for businesses and consumers, especially for industrial products". This would surely generate more opportunities ahead for French companies, entrepreneurs and business leaders investing in Malaysia. CCE Malaysia - French foreign trade advisors (les conseillers du Commerce Exterieur de la France) CCIFM - CCI France Malaysia Business France Asean Pacific #FDI #FTA #EUMalaysia #growth #partnership
First session of the Year for the CCE Malaysia - French foreign trade advisors (les conseillers du Commerce Exterieur de la France) 🇫🇷 🇲🇾 ⭐️ 2025 wishes and bilateral relations updates from our Ambassador Axel Cruau ⭐️ Economics and Financial overview by Michel Cywinski ⭐️ Business updates from each of our members, with a specific focus on energy, transport, pharmaceuticals/healthcare, chemicals and retail sectors. ⭐️ Overview of the next tradeshows and commercial initiatives of Business France from Jean-François A. Wishing all entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs and business leaders a successful year!
📑 Les CCE France en Malaisie souhaitent remercier Monsieur l’Ambassadeur Axel Cruau pour votre implication lors nos sessions de travail. L’Ambassade apporte toujours une perspective éclairée et stratégique sur la relation bilatérale France-Malaisie. Grace à ces soutiens nous sommes motivés à poursuivre nos efforts au service du rayonnement économique de la France en Malaisie. 📑 The French Trade Advisors in Malaysia would like to thank H.E Ambassador Axel Cruau for your involvement during our work sessions. The Embassy has always provided insightful and strategic perspective on the France-Malaysia bilateral relationship to the committee at each of our plenary. Thanks to this support we are motivated to continue to promote the French business in Malaysia. # CCE #France#Malaysia https://lnkd.in/gQGYY6dx. Plenary session at Dassault Aviation ExecuJet MRO Services
🔊 Retrouvez l'interview de notre president Bruno Le Moing realise par Le Petit Journal a l occasion du forum Asie Pacifique 2024 organisé par Les CCE Inde et Asie Pacifique. 🔊 Discover the interview given by our President Bruno Le Moing on the occasion of the upcoming forum Asia Pacific 2024 organised by the French Foreign Trade Advisors in Asia Pacific and India. Bruno discusses the potential of ASEAN region for French companies, the advantages of Malaysia in particular for French business and offers a strategic view on global economic shift to APAC region. 👇 #ASEAN #Malaysia #FrenchTradeAdvisors #CCE
Today, is "Armistice Day" in France, a day of remembrance, which serves to acknowledge those who died or suffered while serving in wars and the importance of peace. Ceremonies will be held nationwide, including at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier beneath the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. #bleuetdefrance #armistice #souvenir #peace
📣 Policy, Technology And The Future Of Innovation 🇫🇷 🇲🇾 CCE Malaysia - French foreign trade advisors (les conseillers du Commerce Exterieur de la France) have participated this morning in the Malaysia Digital Xceleration (MDX) Summit 2024 organised by Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC). MDX Summit 2024 featured YB Tuan Gobind Singh Deo, Ministry of Digital in Malaysia and Fleur Pellerin, former French Minister for SMEs, Innovation and Digital Economy and founder and Managing Partner, of Korelya Capital 💡 The fireside chat raised some very insightful thoughts around setting up the stage of a tech ecosystem, developing trusted talents and technologies, in order to promote digital transformation and change advocacy. 🎯 Welcome to Malaysia and hats off to Fleur Pellerin for being a pioneer in successful public private partnerships around innovation and leaving inspiring legacies, such as La FrenchTech STATION F. and more! Axel Cruau Michel Cywinski CCIFM - CCI France Malaysia EUROCHAM Malaysia #innovation #mdxsummit #technologies #investment #growth
This week, #MeetYourCCE, we introduce you to Stephane BERNARD, Country Manager of Oleon in Malaysia, a subsidiary of the (French) Group Avril. Stephane has been working in the chemistry industry for years and is a new member of the Malaysian Chapter CCEF 🇫🇷 🇲🇾 Welcome on board, Stephane! CCE Malaysia - French foreign trade advisors (les conseillers du Commerce Exterieur de la France)