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The Gamification Guy (GG) | I Craft Gamified & Games-Based Learning Experiences | Consultant, Designer, Trainer & International Speaker
“None of us is as smart as all of us.” Recently, I had the opportunity to conduct Recur Consult 's "Drive" Leadership and Business Acumen simultion for a group of leaders from IJM Corporation Berhad. The simulation required the participants to work in teams, with each person assigned a role with specific responsibilities. The CEO is responsible for managing the team and finalising the team's decisions; the COO manages the team's operations; the CFO controls the finances of the team; the CTO looks at innovation; and the CHRO looks at which talents to recruit. With each person taking on specific responsibilities, it also means they each only pay attention to certain matters in the simulation. This can create blindspots if the team does not act in as one and equally contribute insights specific to their roles. At the same time, this can also create conflict as each person is only looking at situations from their perspective and role. While this can be challenging to manage, having a unified vision as a team can act as an anchor in the decisions and contributions made by each role in the team. This allows for better alignment and unity, ultimately leading to better outcomes and improved collaboration between team members. After all, in teamwork, silence isn’t golden. It’s deadly. Grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with Mallory Loone and Azfarazie Amirolzakri from Work Inspires (Work Inspires Resources Sdn Bhd: 1314814-W) for this session. #gamification #engagement #experiential #strategy #gamesbasedlearning #businessacumen #teamwork #collaboration