ATOS, Lda - Private Employment Agency

ATOS, Lda - Private Employment Agency

Fornecimento e gestão de recursos humanos

A sua solucao para a Gestao de Talento com base no comportamento

Sobre nós

ATOS, Lda is Mozambican Consultancy firm that offers solutions in the area of human resources. Our services include but are not limited to development of human resources structures, models, policies and procedures; outsourcing solutions such as payroll management, human resources administration; recruitment and selection, PDA psychometric assessment and human resources advisory. We work with a fixed and flexible workforce, and our We aim to contribute to the success of our clients and partners through the provision of consultancy services that bring growth and return on investment.

Fornecimento e gestão de recursos humanos
Tamanho da empresa
11-50 funcionários
Cidade de Maputo
Empresa privada
Fundada em
Recruitment and selection, Behavioral assessment, Human Resources Procedures and policies, Personnel administration (outsourcing model), Coaching for Results, Team Building, salesforce screening, 360o e Virtual Coaching


  • Principal

    Rua Bento Mukhesswane (ex Rua de Silves), nº 191 3º Andar Único

    Cidade de Maputo, Bairro da Malhangalene,

    Cidade de Maputo, MZ

    Como chegar

Funcionários da ATOS, Lda - Private Employment Agency


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