LG Energy Solution, Qualcomm complete new battery management system for EVs

수정2024.12.23. 오후 6:26
Lim Jae-seong 기자
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LG Energy Solution logo (LG Energy Solution)

Korean leading battery maker LG Energy Solution said Monday that it will roll out a new battery management system for electric vehicles developed in cooperation with US chip giant Qualcomm.

The two firms recently signed an agreement to carry out promotional activities for the new solution that will be running on Qualcomm's connected-car platform Snapdragon Digital Chassis. The official launch schedule is yet to be revealed.

“We are very pleased to collaborate with LG Energy Solution to develop the commercialization of the BMS diagnostic solutions for next-generation electric vehicles based on the technological capabilities of the Snapdragon Digital Chassis,” said Kwon Oh-hyung, Qualcomm’s senior vice president and president of Asia-Pacific.

The first system-on-chip battery management software has about 80 times the processing power of previous systems based on lower-end hardware, LG Energy Solutions said. As the system can deal with a broader range of information, its ability to detect potential battery issues, such as fire and battery degradation, is faster and more accurate.

The battery manufacturer has diversified its business portfolio to expand its presence in the burgeoning software and battery management services, as the entire industry adjusts growth strategies amid slowing EV sales. In October, it also launched a new total battery management solution brand, B.around.

“It is very meaningful that we have opened the market for the industry’s first system-on-chip-based battery management system, which will be key to the electric vehicle era, together with a global automotive technology leader like Qualcomm Technologies,” said LG Energy Solution CEO Kim Dong-myung.

“We believe that many EVs will soon be able to experience differentiated customer value through our B.around brand.”

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