[Photo News] Stepping stone for startups

Im Eun-byel 기자
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이동 통신망을 이용하여 음성을 재생하면 별도의 데이터 통화료가 부과될 수 있습니다.

STEPPING STONE FOR STARTUPS -- Hana Financial Group Chairman Ham Young-joo (right) poses for a photo with Korea Venture Business Association Chairman Sung Sang-yeop at an agreement signing ceremony held at the financial service provider’s headquarters in central Seoul, Monday. Through the agreement, Hana Financial is to offer assistance for startups and early-stage companies under the association, offering loans and interest rate reductions. It will also look into providing help for procedures such as initial public offerings. The companies could also expand their global presence, using Hana Financial's international network. (Hana Financial Group)

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