State support to expand for grandparent-led families

수정2024.12.26. 오후 5:20
Choi Jeong-yoon 기자
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The South Korean government said it would enhance early detection and tailored support for children in grandparent-led families to ensure their stable upbringing and growth, addressing gaps in current policies.

During the 10th ministerial meeting of social affairs held at the Government Complex Seoul on Tuesday, the government approved support plans to identify such families early and create an environment that supports their well-being.

The government plans to bolster emergency support policies through personalized case management and financial assistance for grandparent caregivers. Additionally, it will provide designated guardianship services for minor grandchildren and offer counseling services for grandparents. In cases of health deterioration or emergencies, temporary care and activity support will also be available.

To ensure housing stability, the government will increase the supply of senior welfare housing and allow grandparent-led families to access single-parent family welfare facilities. Child care support will also be expanded, with the monthly child-rearing allowance increasing from 210,000 won this year to 230,000 won ($143 to $157) in 2025.

For accurate data collection, a supplementary survey on grandparent-led families will be added to the current single-parent family survey and conducted every three years, starting in 2027.

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