Senior Human Resources Recruiter👔, Entrepreneur📧, Influencer, CEO, Health and Mental Health Coach 🏥, Business Trainer📝
#Job #Openings in #Abuja City We are currently seeking proficient candidates for a client organization in Abuja City for the following positions: Positions Available; - Call Representative - Personal Assistant Location: Apo Abuja Salary; #60,000 --- #115,000(negotiable) Job Type: Full-time CALL REPRESENTATIVE Responsibilities: - Professionally make calls to clients and business partners. - Manage and resolve issues for existing, new, and prospective customers. - Engage business partners and invite them to explore our business opportunities. - Understand and effectively communicate the business offerings to prospects. PERSONAL ASSISTANT Responsibilities: - Organize and coordinate meetings and schedules as needed. REQUIREMENTS: - OND/HND/Bachelor's degree in any related field - Excellent communication and interpersonal skills How to Apply: Send your CV and cover letter to rekpedoenterprises@gmail.com Note: Only qualified candidates will be considered for interview. #jobs #careers #socialnetworking #digitalmarketing #money #hiring #humanresources #humanresource #recruitment #jobseekers #jobopening #jobseeker #joblisting #vacancies #nowhiring #employment #humanressources #vacancy #joblistings #hiringandpromotions #recruiting #career #experience #job_positions #candidate #business #management #leadership #share #currently #traineeprogram #job #alerts #source #hr #nationwide #jobsearch #customerservice #people #humamresources #personalassistant #opening