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Times in Education includes, at no cost, access 24/7 to our eNewspaper,
an exact replica of the Los Angeles Times print edition.

Teachers and students can search online for news, stories and more
in the classroom or at home, quickly and easily.

 FLIP page by page, zoom into articles, and skip to favorite sections
 SEARCH for topics, columnists and popular features using keywords
 ACCESS it 24/7 on your desk/laptop by 6 am (Pacific Time) every day
 READ your eNewspaper anywhere with mobile access on your android and iOS devices
 RESEARCH back issues and stories published in the past 30 days
 CLIP and email your favorite articles to friends and family

If you haven't done so, sign up for the Los Angeles Times eNewspaper today. Access

For access, please click the button below. Make sure to check your email for the subject ‘Weekly TIE Password for Website Portal’ for this week’s password.

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For questions or assistance with the eNewspaper please contact:
Heidi Stauder at:
