Niet alleen in Nederland worden steeds vaker nuttige bomen ingezet voor het robuuster maken van het landbouwsysteem. In heel Europa zijn boeren bezig met het benutten van de voordelen van nuttige bomen. Zo ook in Ierland!
Manager @ Irish Agroforestry Forum (IAF) | Project Manager Agroforestry, Agriculture, Agri-Environmental Education and Farmer Engagement Specialist. Vice President European Agroforestry Federation (EURAF)
Manna Organic farm is a mixed farm on 25 acres on the Dingle Peninsula, Co Kerry. Trees and the principles of Agroforestry have played a big role in the establishment of the farm over the past 15 years. What started out as fields of Ryegrass is now a well established ecosystem where vegetables are grown on 4 acres surrounded by trees that act as shelter as well as providing biomass to improve soil fertility and health. Additionally they have created a 4 acre permaculture field which is divided in sections using shelterbelts of Whitethorn and in between planting of fruit producing trees and shrubs. Another section of the farm consists of a 4 acre terraced Agroforestry plot which is planted with soft fruit bushes surrounded by coppiced Willow, Birch and Sycamore.