Meet us at GEOTHERM EXPO & CONGRESS in Offenburg on the 20th and 21st of February in the Edeka-arena at stand 126. GeoTHERM expo & congress 🚨 Join us at the Congress on February 21st! 🚨 We are excited to share that there will be several sessions during the congress related to our innovative technologies and the projects we are working on with our partners. You can learn more during the following sessions. 🔹 Congress Hall 1: Deep Geothermal ⏰ 1:30 p.m. Topic: Improving Rate of Penetration with Directional Steel Shot Drilling Speaker: Dr. Jan Jette Blangé, Canopus Drilling Solutions Geothermal ⏰ 2:00 p.m. Topic: Improving the Economics of Geothermal Projects through Low-Cost Side-Track Drilling Speaker: Dr. Paromita Deb, ETH Zürich GEG Group 🔹 Congress Hall 2: Near Surface Geothermal ⏰ 2:40 p.m. Topic: Modelling the Benefits of Curved Borehole Heat Exchangers Speaker: Diederik Wawoe, Canopus Drilling Solutions Geothermal BV If you're keen to dive deeper into the benefits of our technology, we invite you to join us at these informative sessions. And of course, we’d love to welcome you at our stand as well! Come say hello and explore how we can help shape the future of geothermal energy. #CanopusDrilling #Geothermal #Innovation #EnergySolutions #DrillingTechnology
Canopus Drilling Solutions
Productie van apparatuur voor hernieuwbare energie
The Hague, South Holland 724 volgers
Unlocking Geothermal with Disruptive Drilling Technology
Over ons
Canopus, founded in 2019, developed a game-changing cost-effective drilling technology which improves the productivity of geothermal reservoirs by a factor 2 to 6. The Canopus drilling technology is based on fast and accurate directional steel shot drilling. This enables drilling through any rock type and does not require weight or torque on the drill bit. The proprietary method for steering the rotating drill bit is accurate, consumes minimal power and the autonomous steering device is a 3m long assembly, right behind the drill bit. This unique drilling capability enables drilling of long horizontal multilaterals in geothermal reservoirs, thereby improving the reservoir contact at low cost. The drilling technology is effective in all rock types. The directional capability of the Canopus steel shot drilling technology can be used for constructing shallow curved closed loop heat exchangers, deep open geothermal systems, and closed loop ultradeep geothermal wells for power and heat production. Canopus plans to open up many geothermal opportunities that previously were not economically feasible.
- Website
Externe link voor Canopus Drilling Solutions
- Branche
- Productie van apparatuur voor hernieuwbare energie
- Bedrijfsgrootte
- 2-10 medewerkers
- Hoofdkantoor
- The Hague, South Holland
- Type
- Particuliere onderneming
The Hague, South Holland, NL
Medewerkers van Canopus Drilling Solutions
Pieter van Nieuwkoop
Manager Well Operations at Canopus Drilling Solutions
Lilia Petkova
Technology Contracts and Marketing Support
Oscar de Boer
Adviseur / interim manager in de machinebouw: R&D, engineering en/of productieorganisatie.
Jeanet Schouten
Manager Deep Geothermal
Shout-out to #ThinkGeoEnergy for providing such a valuable platform to showcase exciting developments in the geothermal sector! The #GGIS2024 in #TheHague earlier this year is still fresh in our minds. Events like these not only bring our community together but also showcase the momentum we’re building for the outside world—the geothermal decade is truly gaining ground! #Jan Jette Blangé #Marlies Creyghton, #Jeanet Schouten, #Pieter van Nieuwkoop #Sicco Dwars, #Vivian Venneman, #Oscar de Boer # Peter Toonen #Paul Francis. #IGA #RCSG
Geothermal startups have long bemoaned the difficulty of securing investment. For this reason, we like to feature success stories, such as this one by Canopus Drilling Solutions as told by Diederik Wawoe. 👏🏼 Canopus is working on a novel steel shot drilling technology that can improve the economics of geothermal drilling, particularly for multilaterals. Earlier this year, the company secured investment from Underground Ventures to further scale up testing and development of their technology. What was the secret behind making a successful deal? Let's hear it straight from Diederik in this interview we did at the #GGIS2024 in The Hague. #geothermal #geothermalnews #drilling
And we also have a very musical team! Special thanks to #dsz-Pipacs for their brilliant performance!
We are so happy to welcome Pieter van Nieuwkoop to the Canopus team!
I’m happy to share that I’m starting a new position as Manager Well Operations at Canopus Drilling Solutions!
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Heel interessant artikel over de nieuwe gestuurde boortechniek van Canopus Drilling Solutions die eind 2024 bij The Green Village gebruikt zal gaan worden voor het plaatsen van twee lange, gesloten bodemlussen voor bodemenergie! Graag voegen we aan het artikel toe dat dit project mede mogelijk wordt gemaakt met de steun van KvW3, het Kansen voor West stimuleringsprogramma 3 voor West Nederland. Meer informatie is te vinden op
🔥 Wereldwijd maken we de overstap naar hernieuwbare energie. Canopus Drilling Solutions ziet kansen om #warmte uit de bodem te gebruiken, bij ondiepe en (ultra)diepe #geothermie. Hun techniek testen ze later dit jaar op The Green Village. Marlies Creyghton van Canopus geeft vast een inkijkje. ↪️ De startup ontwikkelde een innovatieve techniek waarmee ze zich richten op het boren van gekromde putten: een #boring die eerst recht naar beneden gaat en vervolgens een bocht maakt. Dit doen ze met een soort #zandstraalboren, maar dan met kleine stalen korreltjes (steel shot). Hiermee kunnen ze ook goed sturen, wat de techniek vernieuwend maakt. Deze boormethode wordt ‘directional steel shot drilling’ genoemd'. 🏗️ De voorbereidingen voor de test op The Green Village zijn al in volle gang. We spraken Marlies over dit bijzondere project: “We gaan twee gaten boren, een verticale boorput en een gekromde. In de gaten plaatsen we #bodemlussen, waaruit we warmte winnen. Met de test willen we verifiëren wat we op papier vermoeden: dat we drie keer zoveel warmte uit een gekromde boring kunnen winnen als uit een verticale.” Lees het interview met Marlies op onze website 👉 #toekomstigenergiesysteem TU Delft | Kansen voor West | Jan Jette Blangé | Diederik Wawoe | Anne Medema | Phil Vardon | Martin Bloemendal | Henk Witte | Groenholland Geo-energiesystemen | Sebastiaan Knepper | Gemeente Delft | Lidewij Van Trigt | Arnoud van der Zee
Canopus Drilling Solutions heeft dit gerepost
Very proud to announce that Underground Ventures has led the 3m EUR round in Dutch geotech startup Canopus Drilling Solutions. Our second investment was closed during the International Geothermal Association GGIS conference in The Hague, and it was just announced as part of the closing ceremony. Canopus does directional steel shot drilling for both existing and new geothermal developments, significantly improving the performance and economics of geothermal energy. Thank you to Canopus team members Jan Jette Blangé, Diederik Wawoe, Jeanet Schouten, and Marlies Creyghton, and to existing investors Koen Hooning from SHIFT Invest and Mathijs van Rijk from ENERGIIQ who joined UGV in this round. Canopus is a technology platform others can use to improve performance and lower capex in geothermal projects. This is what is needed for a fossil-free baseload energy future, and our hope is that both companies will form part of a future standardized open-architecture geothermal technology stack. Side note: Thanks Aurore Belfrage for moderating a great session on how to fund geothermal breakthroughs. Terra Rogers and Magnus Brandberg, you were great co-conspirators to share ideas with, and I think we kissed enough frogs to alter the trajectory of the IGA event itself 🤣 Canopus Drilling: Press release here: