AFRICA WILL GROW AND DEVELOP. THE ONLY WAY FORWARD IS TO PARTNER WITH IT. ‘Africa doesn’t just need Europe. Europe needs Africa just as much for our own future development.’ This was one of the conclusions reached in the Economic Summit podcast conversation that I had with Eppo Bruins, former Chair of the Advisory Board for Science, Technology and Innovation, and Don Ceder, Member of the Dutch Parliament for the Christenunie. (Eppo is minister of Education, Culture and Science. However, this recording was done prior to the elections and forming of the current government). Any effective solution for the challenges that Africa faces is going to have to work at scale. This means that both governments and businesses will need to be involved. During the conversation we talked about: - How policy makers and business people can improve their engagement with the continent of Africa. - The new strategies for governments and businesses that will have a better chance of success. - How to build relationships that are mutually beneficial for both African and Europeans. These questions and more are part of the honest and conversation I was privileged to have with Mr. Don Ceder and Dr. Eppo Bruins. #EconomicSummit #Europe #Africa #Mutuality #Sallux #ECPM #HealOurLand #MercyShipsNederland #CareOfCreationTanzania #NationsOfWomen #UnshamedlyEthical #ChristenUnie
Economic Summit
Amsterdam, Noord-Holland 139 volgers
Finding solutions for global economic problems.
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The Economic Summit aims to introduce new paradigms on finance and economy which are inspired by Christian tradition, faith and thought, and to present transformational businesses as new models for poverty alleviation and sustainable economies. The Economic Summit was established in 2014 under the name “European Economic Summit”. Our aim is to promote new paradigms on finance and economy based on Christian tradition, faith and thought, and transformational businesses generating four-fold capital (human, social, natural and financial) as new models for poverty alleviation and sustainable economies. Ever since our first meeting in 2014, the concept of the Economics of Mutuality has played an important role in Economic Summit meetings. Mutuality is the sharing of a feeling, action or relationship between two or more parties. In the business context mutuality means the sharing of the benefits of doing business between multiple stakeholders: people, the community in which the business operates and the environment in addition to the shareholders of a company.
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- 11 - 50 medewerkers
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- Amsterdam, Noord-Holland
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- 2014
Amsterdam, Noord-Holland 1114AK, NL
Medewerkers van Economic Summit
MIGRATION. ASKING THE RIGHT QUESTIONS. Nobody can deny that there are many migrants coming to Europe and that this is causing sharp debate, both in politics and among average citizens. Recently, I spoke to Johannes de Jong, director of Sallux, about this. Johannes is no stranger when it comes to migration. He has spent time in war-torn areas in the Middle East and is outspoken when it comes to the ‘solutions’ being implemented by various nations through their policies and actions. Instead of asking how we’re going to deal with migrants once they’re in Europe, we should be looking at what is causing them to migrate in the first place? Who is profiting and who is paying the price? Johannes’s answers to these questions are insightful. It’s our foreign policy that’s causing the problem. Listen and find out how. Emmie van Halder, Corjan Rink, Johannes de Jong, Christiaan Meinen, Boshoff Grobler, Pearl Kupe, Gertjan van Stam, Simon Polinder, Alice Martha Tlustos, Gregory Modungwa, Simon Polinder, Dora Akuetteh, Gerard Keizer, Ernst van der Heijden, Austin Parker
10 REASONS WHY AFRICA IS STILL POOR Impact investor, Emmy van Halder, is no stranger when it comes to Africa. As we continue to focus on the continent and possible solutions to the challenges faced there, Dr. Arleen Westerhof speaks to Emmy van Halder about why, after all the massive investment in the continent, Africa is still poor. The reasons that Emmie gives are both eye-opening and shocking at the same time. And they are things that can be remedied if we're willing to face the facts. Emmy van Halder is an impact investor and an experienced business woman. She has been involved with investing in Africa for years and, with her pragmatic and practical approach, knows better than many what continues to sustain the poverty in some African nations. Podcast: Johannes de Jong, Christiaan Meinen, Emmie van Halder, Pearl Kupe, Gregory Modungwa, Simon Polinder, Gertjan van Stam, Corjan Rink, Boshoff Grobler, Dr Tina Allton, Alice Martha Tlustos, Don Ceder, Ray S., Ernst van der Heijden
"No long term strategy for Africa can be effective without taking into account the role of religion." In the latest Economic Summit podcast Simon Polinder and Arleen Westerhof discuss why religion is important for all work with, and in, Africa. Most governments and businesses tend to ignore it. However, a recent study showed that fully 50% of education and healthcare initiatives on the continent is done by religious-based NGO's. This poses an interesting challenge for secular European business and policy initiatives. Simon Polinder is a researcher at the Utrecht University in the Netherlands and is knowledgeable about this subject. In this podcast he and Arleen Westerhof, director of the Economic Summit, discuss important insights to help make collaboration with the continent more mutual and effective.
Dr. Simon Polinder & Dr. Arleen Westerhof - Economic Conversations | Economic Summit
A European Africa Agenda 2025-2100. Towards effective long-term strategies for migration.' In the last 40 years a lot of money has been spent o n African aid and development. Many of the proposed solutions haven't worked and Africa is poorer today than it was then. Each of the authors, both European and African, are busy with initiatives that are working at scale. This book will be of interest to all those interested in Africa and how to improve the effectiveness of their engagement with this important continent for Europe and the world. To order: www. Simon Polinder , Emmie van Halder , Boshoff Grobler, Gregory Modungwa, Dr Tina Allton, Pearl Kupe, Corjan Rink, Alice Martha Tlustos, Eppo Bruins , Don Ceder
Press Release. TOWARDS EFFECTIVE LONG-TERM STRATEGIES FOR MIGRATION TO EUROPE On Thursday April 11th, the Economic Summit and Sallux presented their new joint publication, ‘A European Africa Agenda 2025-2100. Towards effective long-term strategies for migration’. It was presented to four Members of the European Parliament at the launch of their campaigns for the EU elections in June 2024; Bert-Jan Ruissen (SGP, Netherlands), Anja Haga (ChristenUnie, Netherlands), Helmut Geuking (Familien Partei, Germany) and Marton Gyongyosi (Jobbik Conservatives, Hungary). As the EU focuses on migration, it has failed to adequately identify why people find themselves in a situation where their only viable option is to migrate to Europe and beyond. In fact, World Bank data suggests strongly that the tide of migrants entering Europe from Africa alone shows all signs of increasing even more between now and 2055. This is because Africa is unable to create the 450 million extra new jobs that will be needed to accommodate the new working-age generation. It is clear that it’s not just enough to build walls, or to receive migrants when they wash up on our shores. Europe must start to effectively identify and address, at scale, the factors that cause people to migrate in the first place. The Economic Summit, a Dutch NGO, together with Sallux, the European Political Foundation (think-tank) of the European Christian Political Movement, have collaborated to produce ‘A European Africa Agenda 2025-2100. Towards effective long-term strategies for migration’. The contributing authors, both European and African, have a deep understanding of the African context and experience in deploying initiatives at scale that work. During the past 40 years much has been done that hasn’t worked. Their lessons learned and concrete recommendations will help policy makers, entrepreneurs, academics, those working in NGO’s become more effective in creating solutions that work for the benefit of both Europe and Africa. Picture From left to right: Arleen Westerhof (Directeur Economic Summit), Helmut Geuking, Anja Haga, Marton Gyongyosi, Bert-Jan Ruissen, Johannes de Jong (Directeur Sallux)