INTI (International New Town Institute) heeft dit gerepost
On the second day of the Network Lab 3 in Bucharest, we explored the informal (green) practices in Drumul Taberei. After the war Drumul Taberei became the forerunner of community neighbourhoods in Romania. Public facilities and collective places played a vital role in the rebuilding of the district. The new urban planning practices brought the informal green practices into existence. The courtyards, green squares in between the buildings, became the semi-public and semi-domestic spaces initiated and maintained by the residents. Alex Axinte of Studio Basar and Ioana Tudora of the USMAV (University of Agronomical Studies and Veterinary Medicine) showed us how this practice of informal greenery, which has emerged out of necessity in the microrayons of Drumul Taberei since the 1960s, has developed within present-day Bucharest. A special part of the visit was organised by Teatro 19 from San Polo: by leading the group of participants through Drumul Taberei interactively with language and senses. They showed how the discipline of theatre can contribute to the exploration of the city, greenery and public space. After a visit to “City in the Loop”, an artist in residence project, Alex showed us his “Open Garage” - an exhibition-, workshop- and library space. In Drumul Taberei, garages were initially included in social housing plans, but since most people didn’t own cars in the '60s, they served other purposes. They became cellars, repair spaces, play areas, and extra rooms. Over time, they evolved into versatile spaces for small shops like tailors and shoemakers. At the end of the day we visited the University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, where Ioana guided the participants along the impressive horticulture fields for studies and research. #inti #internationalnewtownsinstitute #newtownsnewnarratives #drumultaberei #newtowns #informalgreen