IOM Nederland heeft dit gerepost
Together, let us create strong health systems. By guaranteeing equitable access to health care for all including migrants, we can improve public health for everyone. #UHCDay
De Internationale Organisatie voor Migratie is een intergouvernementele organisatie met een hoofdkantoor in Genève. De organisatie is in 1951 opgericht als Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration (ICEM), om ontheemden in Europa in de naoorlogse jaren terug te begeleiden naar huis. IOM is uitgegroeid tot de belangrijkste internationale, onafhankelijke organisatie ter wereld op het gebied van migratie. Uitgangspunt voor IOM is dat humane en ordelijke migratie zowel migranten als de gehele samenleving ten goede komt. IOM bevordert samen met haar partners ordelijke en humane migratie, de internationale samenwerking op het gebied van migratie, het uitvoeren van initiatieven en projecten op het gebied van migratie en het geven van humanitaire hulp aan migranten die in nood verkeren waaronder vluchtelingen en mensen die op de vlucht zijn binnen de eigen landsgrenzen (ontheemden). IOM houdt zich bezig met de vier brede terreinen op het gebied van migratie management: Migratie en Ontwikkeling, het faciliteren van migratie, het reguleren van migratie en gedwongen migratie. Tevens is IOM betrokken bij overkoepelende internationale thema's, zoals het bevorderen van het internationale migratierecht, debatten over internationaal beleid, de bescherming van migrantenrechten, migratie en gezondheid en migratie en gender.
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The Hague, NL
IOM Nederland heeft dit gerepost
Together, let us create strong health systems. By guaranteeing equitable access to health care for all including migrants, we can improve public health for everyone. #UHCDay
People move for a variety of reasons: to seek a better life, reunite with families, and to seek safety. Irrespective of the reason, migrants contribute to the host communities in meaningful manner, driving cultural exchange and spurring economic growth and innovation. #EveryStep
IOM Nederland heeft dit gerepost
Talking about sexual and gender-based violence #SGBV is never easy. Survivors of such traumatic experiences can feel alone in their pain, even though the violence they endured is never their fault. Migrant Ambassadors such as Haifaa support SGBV survivors on their path towards a brighter future. As cultural mediators, they bridge cultural differences between survivors and healthcare providers in the Netherlands. This is part of the SAMEN – IOM Nederland project implemented by IOM and Dokters van de Wereld Nederland, with support from the European Union. 🔗 More info: #16Days, #NoExcuse, #SupportingSurvivorsSavesLives IOM The Netherlands IOM Europe and Central Asia
✨On this Human Rights Day, we discover how Asal found freedom and acceptance in the Netherlands. Asal shares her experiences with cultural mediators in the SAMEN – IOM Nederland project and explains how this connection helped her to be herself. ⬇Watch the video below⬇ #16Days #SGBV #NoExcuse #SupportingSurvivorsSavesLives #culturalmediators
🌟 Cultural Mediators in Focus: Mahsa Opens the Conversation on Sexual Violence Learn how Mahsa supports newcomers and addresses sexual violence and taboos in the SAMEN – IOM Nederland project. Through open conversations and empathy, she builds trust and guides people to suitable support services in the Netherlands. ⬇Watch the video below⬇ #16Days #SGBV #NoExcuse #SupportingSurvivorsSavesLives #culturalmediators
🌟 Cultural Mediators in Focus: Ahmed Creates Safe Spaces Discover the challenges faced by the LGBTIQ+ community with a migrant background. Ahmed, an Egyptian doctor and cultural mediator in the SAMEN – IOM Nederland project, shares how he creates a safe space for these communities to feel heard and supported. ⬇Watch the video below⬇ #16Days #SGBV #NoExcuse #SupportingSurvivorsSavesLives #culturalmediators
🌟 Cultural Mediators in Focus: Hassanen Bridges Cultures Meet Hassanen, a cultural mediator in the SAMEN – IOM Nederland project. Originally from Iraq and now living in the Netherlands, Hassanen shares his journey and his valuable work in supporting migrants within the Dutch healthcare system. ⬇Watch the video below⬇ #16days #SGBV #NoExcuse #SupportingSurvivorsSavesLives
🌟 Cultural Mediators in Focus: Sanaa Breaks with Taboos In this video, cultural mediator Sanaa talks about her crucial role in the SAMEN – IOM Nederland project. Originally from Syria, Sanaa shares her insights on addressing sexual and gender-based violence within migrant communities. Curious to see how she bridges the gap between her clients and Dutch healthcare providers? ⬇Watch the video below ⬇ #16days #SGBV #NoExcuse #SupportingSurvivorsSavesLives
IOM Nederland heeft dit gerepost
People fleeing conflict or persecution face an increased risk of becoming survivors or witnesses of sexual and gender-based violence #SGBV before, during, and after their journey. In the Netherlands, IOM and Dokters van de Wereld Nederland, with support from the European Union, conducted the SAMEN project to raise awareness of SGBV among migrants and professionals who regularly interact with newcomers, and to guide those affected towards support services. 👉 Read the final SAMEN – IOM Nederland report outlining lessons learned and recommendations from two years of implementation: #16Days, #NoExcuse, #SupportingSurvivorsSavesLives IOM The Netherlands IOM Europe and Central Asia
Every survivor deserves compassionate, high-quality services that honour their dignity and choices. Responding to gender-based violence is not only assistance—it’s a lifeline. hashtag #16Days #NoExcuse #SupportingSurvivorsSavesLives