Over ons

Kramp Groep is Europa’s grootste specialist in onderdelen en accessoires voor de agrarische industrie. Met ruim 500.000 online beschikbare producten, 10 distributiecentra en 24 verkoopkantoren verspreid over Europa, is Kramp een essentiële partner voor klanten en leveranciers. Kramp Groep is opgericht in 1951 en heeft zijn hoofdkantoor in Varsseveld (Nederland). Kramp. It’s that easy. Zie: www.kramp.com.

1.001 - 5.000 medewerkers
Varsseveld, Gelderland
Particuliere onderneming
Agriculture, Webshop, Ebusiness, Ecommerce, Sparts, Services, Shop, Retail, Tractor, Agri, Prototyping, Academy, Training, Assembly, Machining, Cylinder reconditioning, Repair, Partner programme, Shop Retail, Etail, Construction, Employer en Krampjobs


Medewerkers van Kramp


  • Our story in 1,5 minutes Kramp started as a family business in 1951 and has grown into a global leader that empowers over 50,000 dealers in 24 countries. Our vision is to move forward together with our employees, suppliers, and customers. We strive to achieve excellence with our advancements in technology and logistics. This unique blend with our roots as a family business enables us to do business with impact, ensuring that every interaction drives progress and fosters trusted collaborations. Watch our latest corporate video and see how Kramp empowers people and businesses to move forward. #Kramp #ItsThatEasy #MovingForward

  • Listening, Learning & Improving Over the past months, our User Experience team visited customers across Europe to gain deeper insights into their day-to-day operations. By observing their shops, warehouses, and offices, and engaging in open conversations, we were able to better understand the challenges they face and explore ways to improve their experience with Kramp. Thank you to all the customers who welcomed us and took the time to share their invaluable insights. Your input helps us better meet your needs. #KrampWay #KrampTeam #UserExperience #Care #Collaboration #Ownership

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  • Wishing you a happy and successful 2025 As we welcome the new year, we want to express our gratitude to our customers, partners, and employees for their continued trust and collaboration. Your support drives everything we do, and we’re looking forward to continuing our work together in 2025. Happy New Year! #KrampTeam

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  • Successful Machinery Bootcamp on-site This month, we brought together over 60 international participants, trainers, and suppliers for a two-day Machinery Bootcamp in Meeden (NL). Through a unique carousel format, hands-on training sessions were hosted across various locations, including a community center, a local contractor, and a farm. Key topics included sprayer trainings, precision farming, hoses & couplings, belt connectors, (vacuum) pumps, high-pressure washers, and cutterbars—all delivered in a practical, real-world environment. The Bootcamp was not only about technical knowledge but also about connecting people. Being together provided the perfect setting for networking and idea exchange. Thank you to everyone who made this event a success. Together, we’re driving innovation and collaboration in the Machinery category! #LearningTogether #MachineryTraining #HandsOnExperience #Kramp

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Kramp, afbeelding

    33.241 volgers

    Aiding recovery of children afflicted with cancer Last month, we donated 10,000 EUR (4,000,000 HUF) to a garden attached to the Démétér Ház Foundation in Hungary. In addition to providing these funds, one of our teams will plant bushes and trees in the garden in the Spring of 2025. The Démétér Ház Foundation supports the recovery of children, who have undergone bone marrow transplants, and their families. One of their endeavours is to provide a home where children can recuperate after a hospital stay, in a comfortable environment with their parents and siblings, while being close to doctors. The key purpose of the garden is to help the children return to normal life with outdoor activities. This initiative is the latest in the worldwide Kramp Impacts outreach program, where we provide care and support to the wider community and contributes to their wellbeing. Are you interested in supporting the Kramp Impacts program? Write to csr@kramp.com. Erik-Jan Smit

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  • Looking back at the successful Kramp Business Conference in Poland From November 27th to 29th, we welcomed 320 strategic partners, clients, and suppliers to the Kramp Business Conference in Poland. This gathering provided a platform to tackle key industry challenges, exchange insights, and strengthen partnerships that drive long-term success. Event Highlights: - Focused sessions presenting practical strategies to support our partners’ growth. - Dynamic panel discussions exploring solutions to pressing industry trends. - Awards Gala celebrating partners whose contributions make a difference. - Networking opportunities to deepen collaborations and build trust. Thank you to the Kramp team and participants for their commitment, creativity, and collaboration, which made this conference an extraordinary experience. Together we continue to build a stronger future for agriculture! #Kramp #KrampTeam #Innovation #Collaboration

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  • Strengthening our teams across borders Last month, our Forest & Grasscare Product Specialists from all over Europe came together for an unforgettable annual meet-up. One of the highlights was the hands-on workshop, where we rolled up our sleeves, worked on engine components, and tackled challenges together. It was a great experience that demonstrated how our shared passion knows no borders. Beyond the technical focus, the event was about connecting, exchanging ideas and building stronger bonds as a team. We’re already looking forward to next year! #Kramp #KrampTeam #Collaboration #Training

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  • Innovation and collaboration in agriculture On November 27th, we had the opportunity to host the 8th edition of the Agro Innovation Event. About 165 entrepreneurs from the region joined us at our headquarters to discuss opportunities for collaboration and innovation in agriculture. During the event, organised by De Innovatie Coöperatie, entrepreneurs shared inspiring stories, new innovations and technologies were discussed, and Reinier Slöetjes and Erik-Jan Smit were interviewed about Kramp's work. And there was also time for a warehouse tour. Focus was placed on how the agricultural sector is advancing through modernization, innovation, and responding to the needs of society. With innovation, companies strengthen their position in the market and contribute to social needs and challenges in the field of landscape, biodiversity, and climate. A big thank you to everyone who joined - it was a great event!

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  • At Agromek 2024, Kramp Denmark introduced a creative concept with their cardboard box stand, highlighting their broad assortment and support for farmers and dealers. A big thank you to everyone who contributed to this project. Check out the pictures to see how collaboration brought this idea to life.

    Profiel weergeven voor Ronni Skov Jensen, afbeelding

    Senior Marketing Specialist (lead) hos Kramp Danmark

    𝗡å𝗿 𝗺𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗼𝗴 𝘀𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗺ø𝗱𝗲𝘀 𝗶 𝗲𝘁 𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘁 𝗽𝗮𝗽𝗸𝗮𝘀𝘀𝗲𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘄! Agromek 2024 blev et fantastisk eksempel på, hvordan samarbejde på tværs af organisationer kan skabe noget helt unikt. En idé, som jeg har haft i næsten 10 år – en kæmpe Kramp-papkasse – blev endelig til virkelighed i år. Men hvorfor lige en papkasse, spørger du måske? Svaret finder du længere nede. 😉 I samarbejde med Søren Mortensen, Assortment Manager, har jeg arbejdet intensivt de sidste mange måneder på at skabe en unik oplevelse for både landmanden og vores forhandlere – og wow, det føler jeg virkelig, at vi er lykkedes med. Som markedsleder har vi flere ting, vi gerne vil kommunikere til vores kunder på messer: markedets største sortiment med +500.000 produkter, hurtigste levering, de stærkeste specialister og koncepter i verdensklasse. Men hvordan samler man det hele under ét? For mig er papkasser meget mere end emballage. De er et symbol på alt det, vi sender ud til vores kunder: produkter, koncepter, leveringssikkerhed og viden, der gør deres hverdag nemmere. Ved Agromek blev kasserne derfor bragt til live og var rammerne for netop dette. På standen kunne kunderne blandt andet opleve: • En 24 kvm stor lysvæg, hvor besøgende virkelig fandt deres indre barn frem og trykkede på alle knapperne. Væggen bød også på en Agromek Stjernenyhed! • Et helt Kramp-værksted, der fremviste både produkter og koncepter • Australske Stuart Hunt fra Rossi Boots   • Et lille udvalg af vores dygtige produktspecialister   • Muligheden for at blive oprettet på kramp.com – markedets stærkeste løsning Som den ærkevestjyde, jeg nu engang er, ville jeg sige: ”Det var en ganske fin stand, vi fik lavet der.” Men denne gang må jeg vist hellere pakke vestjyden væk. Aldrig har jeg modtaget så meget positiv feedback for en stand som ved denne. Både interne, eksterne, konkollegaer og professionelle havde rosende ord, og jeg nød virkelig at se besøgende bevæge sig rundt på standen. Jeg er virkelig stolt – og synes selv, at det var den flotteste stand på hele Agromek 2024! Men standen var aldrig blevet til noget uden det gode samarbejde, vi har haft på tværs af hele Kramp-organisationen, og jeg er meget beæret over at dele min hverdag med så kompetente og passionerede mennesker, som alle har været med til at gøre min drøm om en kæmpe Kramp-kasse til virkelighed – tak. 😊 Et stort tak skal også lyde til vores mangeårige samarbejdspartner Easy Fair A/S, som virkelig tog idéen til nye højder, fangede visionen på første hug og var med til at skabe et papkasseshow af dimensioner. Igennem hele processen – fra idé/koncept til eksekvering – har samarbejdet været fantastisk. Tak til alle, der besøgte os og gjorde messen til en succes. Vi glæder os allerede til næste gang! 💪 Bonusinfo: Kramp-kasserne blev genbrugt til nedpakning af standen. ♻️📦 #Kramp #Agromek2024 #Samarbejde #Landbrug #Reservedele #Messestand #Innovation

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  • Supporting and Inspiring Future Generations at Kramp On November 20, we hosted our very first Kids@Work Day at Kramp Germany, and it was a great success! With schools and daycares closed on this day, we welcomed 27 children, aged 2 to 9, for a day full of fun, creativity, and connection. The day’s activities included drawing and playing, a warehouse and office tour, and a shared lunch in the canteen - a clear highlight for both children and parents. This initiative not only provided our employees with a practical solution for the day but also allowed us to focus on and inspire future generations, reinforcing our commitment to community and family values. #Kramp #Care #FutureGenerations #WorkplaceCulture

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