After a fantastic kick-off at WCAworld in Dubai, the team is ready for another day of connecting with new and existing partners at booth G10-G15! We're looking forward to more insightful discussions and succesful connections! #WCAworld #wcaconference2025 #wcaworld2025
Over ons
Logicall is the one-stop-shop logistics provider, offering supply chain solutions, air and ocean freight forwarding, technical services, warehousing, road transport and parcel management. Building on 145 years of experience in the logistics industry, Logicall provides integral and trusted solutions. Combining logistics expertise with data insights and smart digital solutions to optimize supply chains for customers. With 35 offices in twelve countries, Logicall provides seamless service across key locations.
- Website
Externe link voor Logicall
- Branche
- Transport, logistiek, supplychain en opslag
- Bedrijfsgrootte
- 1.001 - 5.000 medewerkers
- Hoofdkantoor
- Amsterdam
- Type
- Particuliere onderneming
- Opgericht
- 1877
- Specialismen
- Supply Chain Solutions (NL,DE,CH), High-Tech,Telecom&Project Logistics, VAL,VAS,Contract Logistics, Transport&Forwarding, Service Logistics, Parts Management, Technical Deployment Services, Port Logistics, Airfreight&Oceanfreight, All Weather Terminals, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, GDP, Compliance, TAPA, Freight forwarding, Pharma logistics, Simplifying Logistics en Predictable Logistics
Medewerkers van Logicall
Logicall and our colleague Luuk Wolters have made it to the top 10 "Best learning company" and "Best practical trainer" in the Netherlands! The final ranking will be announced on the 19th of May. For over 20 years, our colleagues have been training vocational (MBO) students in the Netherlands in a hands-on and dynamic work environment. This nomination is a great recognition of their role in the education and development of students. #proud
Logicall is proud to partner with SPARC - Sharing Platform For Applied Research Co-Operation as “partner in innovation”. With an ever-changing world in Logistics and Tech, innovation is the only way to stay ahead!
Drake & Farrell B.V.'s Martin De Winter, one of our experts when it comes to sustainability, shares his knowledge to inspire others in the evofenedex (Dutch). #sustainability #logistics #reverselogistics
Martin De Winter, onze expert op het gebied van duurzaamheid, deelt graag kennis en ervaring om ook anderen te inspireren. Zo ook deze decembermaand. Zie hieronder de link naar de coverstory van het decembermagazine van evofenedex waarin hij ingaat op circulaire business modellen voor elektronica tegen de achtergrond van veranderende wet- en regelgeving. Fijne feestdagen en een circulair 2025 gewenst!
Today is "Dag van de Vrachtwagenchauffeur"! At Logicall, we want to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude to the truck drivers who keep the world moving. 🚛💨 You are the backbone of logistics, ensuring that goods are delivered safely and on time, no matter the challenges. From early mornings to long nights, through rain or shine, your dedication does not go unnoticed. Thank you for your hard work. Your contributions make a difference every single day, not only to businesses like ours but to society as a whole. On behalf of the entire Logicall team: Bedankt! 🙏 Let’s celebrate and show appreciation for these heroes of the road today—and every day. #DagVanDeVrachtwagenchauffeur #ThankYou #TruckDrivers #Logicall
Logicall at Industria Congress 2024! A yearly event organized by the Stichting Bedrijfskunde Congres Industria, bringing students and companies together. A very successful edition with Ambro Van Oosterhout and Michelle Jansen! #students #supplychainsolutions #logistics
"With Logicall’s reliable and efficient services, we know our global shipments are in good hands." Karel Poelmans, Director Supply chain – Swiss Sense For many years Swiss Sense has entrusted Logicall with its international container shipments. A strategic partnership has evolved over time, based on service, pricing and solutions. A combination of factors that proves itself best in challenging conditions and of those there has been no shortage in recent times. We are thankful to be recognized as a partner for “trusted logistics” by Swiss Sense and many others.
JDE Professional NL and Logicall signed a new contract to continue their 18-year partnership. We are proud to combine our logistics and technical expertise to provide great customer experience and a circular proposition. Thank you JDE Professional NL for the great partnership!
🤝 Logicall en JDE Professional NL slaan de handen opnieuw ineen! Na een succesvolle samenwerking van al 18 jaar hebben JDE Professional en Logicall opnieuw een contract getekend om samen naar de toekomst te kijken. Dit alles voor nóg meer tevreden klanten en een nóg duurzamere toekomst. Om dat laatste te onderstrepen heeft Logicall 10.000 liter renewable diesel aangeschaft voor het leveren van hun diensten aan JDE Professional. Dit staat gelijk aan een emissie reductie van 86% op de komende 500-1000 installaties bij klanten 🌿.
We are very proud to partner with JDE Professional NL!
Duurzaam en toch de vertrouwde kwaliteit: onze refurbished koffiemachines! 💚☕ Bij JDE Professional NL werken we samen met onze partner Logicall om de inzet van het aantal tweedehandskoffiemachines te verhogen. Deze machines worden schoongemaakt en hersteld door experts, waarmee wij onze klanten een hoogwaardig en duurzamer alternatief bieden voor nieuwe koffiemachines. Per machine reduceren we hiermee gezamenlijk de CO₂ emissies zoals ook opgenomen in onze ambitieuze doelstellingen van de CO2-Prestatieladder. 🌍🔋 Benieuwd naar het proces en de voordelen van onze refurbished koffiemachines? In deze video nemen we je graag mee: #JacobsDouweEgbertsProfessional #DouweEgberts #koffie #CommonGrounds #CO2Prestatieladder
The worldwide Premier Padel tour is in the Netherlands. Logicall, the one-stop-shop logistics provider, is proud logistics partner of Decathlon Premier Padel Rotterdam. Good luck to all the players! Decathlon Nederland, Bullpadel #padel #premierpadel #rotterdam #logicall #logistics #logistiek