Moditech Rescue Solutions B.V.

Moditech Rescue Solutions B.V.


Hoogwoud, North Holland 737 volgers

Crash Recovery System: Know what's inside - See what to do!

Over ons

Moditech Rescue Solutions BV is a highly specialized automotive data provider for the worldwide rescue industry based in the Netherlands. This includes the development and implementation of mobile information systems for emergency responders. The Crash Recovery System®, which is used by rescue organizations worldwide, is one of the core products. Moditech maintains a close cooperation with the vehicle manufactures and their organizations, to make sure that the data for all mass-production vehicles with airbags and/or hybrid propulsion is available in the Crash Recovery System®. Moditech works exclusively with experts from the rescue industry to prepare vehicle safety information for use on the scene of the accident. The results are uniform and interactive vehicle graphics with comprehensive background information and deactivation instructions. In addition Moditech provides consultancy for vehicle manufacturers on vehicle rescue related matters and provides new vehicle technology training for emergency responders all over the world. In addition to the Crash Recovery System for first responders, Moditech Rescue Solutions BV also developed a software tool for roadside assisters: the Crash Recovery System Road Assist Edition. This vehicle information system provides all relevant knowledge required to effectively respond to today’s roadside assistance around the world.

11 - 50 medewerkers
Hoogwoud, North Holland
Naamloze vennootschap


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