De Europese Commissie zet een belangrijke stap met The Clean Industrial Deal en het Affordable Energy Action Plan. NLHydrogen verwelkomt deze langverwachte maatregelen, die belangrijk zijn om de waterstofindustrie verder te versterken en de klimaatdoelen te halen. Nu is het tijd om woorden om te zetten in daden! 💡💧 #Waterstof #CleanIndustrialDeal #Energietransitie
The European Commission released its long anticipated series of measures related to the #CleanIndustrialDeal, aiming at increasing the #competitiveness of the #EU industry and thus linking strongly with #hydrogen. ⚒️ The #CID plan demonstrates its continued focus on #climate targets and the promotion of domestic #cleantechnology manufacturing: the Commission wants to support the industry effort to reach 2030 targets and understands that more demand-side measures are required. A better use of the #EUSingleMarket to ensure lead markets for #lowcarbon products through improved labelling and procurement rules will strengthen the business case for products like #greensteel or #greenammonia. 💧The #AffordableEnergyActionPlan (#AEAP), part of the #CID, proposes to put forward methodologies for network taxes and charges to incentivise #flexibility and reduce the cost for necessary demand. This should benefit #cleanhydrogen production, which can provide such needed flexibility. 🗣️ “By incentivising demand and rewarding early movers, looking at the pull over the push, the Clean Industrial Deal can jumpstart Europe's clean technology sectors, including #hydrogen. But we must turn words into actions! If there is no positive development in the next 18 months, we are all but guaranteed to miss our 2030 climate targets. Focusing on demand and simplifying production rules and access to funding for clean technologies is paramount if we are to prevent this failure,” said Jorgo Chatzimarkakis, CEO of #H2Europe. 👏 #H2Europe applaudes the Commission for today's announcements and is happy to see that the clear positives that it will bring along, such as the strong business cases for diverse hydrogen applications, the attention put on #skills and the importance of #funding, have always been a priority for the hydrogen industry as highlighted in our CID position paper as well as our manifesto. For more info and all related links 👉 check in our comments here below!