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Omnitek BV

Omnitek BV

Productie elektrische apparaten

Experts in Viscosity

Over ons

Omnitek B.V., based in Waddinxveen, The Netherlands has been on the market for over 35 years. Ever since its inception in 1979, Omnitek has distinguished itself by providing top quality products combined with exceptional service and has earned a reputation as a manufacturer of high quality instrumentation, such as our S-flow, U-VIsc and BitUVisc viscometry systems for petroleum products, or our moisture analysers for plastics. We provide our customers around the globe with localized service and application support through a network of dedicated distributors.

Productie elektrische apparaten
11 - 50 medewerkers
Naamloze vennootschap
Automatic Viscometry Systems


Medewerkers van Omnitek BV


  • Wij zoeken nog een technische #stagiair! Zie de vacature voor meer informatie!

    Profiel weergeven voor Aafje van Dijk

    Administratief medewerker bij Omnitek BV

    Omnitek BV zoekt een stagiair(e)! Ben jij die technische MBO'er op zoek naar een stage waar zelfstandigheid, technische vaardigheden, hoge kwaliteit en vooral veel plezier? Dan zijn wij op zoek naar jou! Omnitek BV bouwt labinstrumentatie en wij zoeken op dit moment een stagiair met MBO 4 niveau in de richting fijnmechanica, mechatronica of iets vergelijkbaars om te helpen deze instrumenten en de onderdelen hiervan te assembleren. Interesse? Meer weten? Neem gauw contact met ons op! #stage #stagiair #technisch #MBO4

  • The optimized Cito work area provides sample space to store 6 pipette racks (with optionally different tips for standard and high-viscosity samples) and 4 sample racks. Below the work area is a large drawer to store consumables, as well as storage for the tips that were discarded after an injection.   Omnitek offers standardized sample racks that can contain up to 4 racks of 96 samples each, with a total of 384 positions, using 12 ml sample vials often utilized by automatic sample preparation systems.   Omnitek offers the possibility of customizing a sample rack to facilitate the use of an existing sample cup or vial. For users with high sample throughput an upgrade from 1 L to 5 L waste/solvent bottles is available. #viscosity #customize #versatile #viscositytesting #automation #autosampler #highcapacity

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  •   Our new redesigned Cito autosampler is a modular design. It can be added at any time to one or two S-flow IV systems. It is even in-field upgradeable, meaning that it can be added to existing S-flow IV systems.   From a single sample aspiration, 2 sequential injections in 2 independent baths can be performed using only a single pipette tip. When injecting into tubes at 40 ºC and 100 ºC , the PC software automatically provides the Viscosity Index. Up to 80 injections per hour can be performed at 2 temperatures in this manner, provided that 2 S-flow IV systems are connected. #upgrade #viscosity #viscositytesting #modular #efficient

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  • Omnitek BV heeft dit gerepost

    Houillon Tipi Otomatik Kinematik Viskozimetre Birçok petrol ürünü ve bazı petrol dışı ürünler ekipmanlarda yağlayıcı olarak kullanılır ve ekipmanın doğru çalışması kullanılan yağlayıcının uygun viskozitesine bağlıdır. Ayrıca, birçok petrol yakıtının viskozitesi optimum depolama, taşıma ve işletme koşullarının tahmini için önemlidir. Bunun yanı sıra, kullanılmış yağların viskozitesi, motor aşınmasının kullanılan yağlama yağları üzerindeki etkisinin yanında çalışma sırasında motor parçalarının bozulmasını değerlendirmek için yağ endüstrisinde yaygın olarak belirlenen bir parametredir. Bu nedenle, viskozitenin doğru bir şekilde belirlenmesi birçok ürün spesifikasyonu ve değerlendirmesi için gereklidir. Omnitek BV S-flow IV+ : -       Yakıtlar, baz yağlar, formüle edilmiş yağlar ve petrol ürünlerinin yanı sıra su bazlı sıvılar için de kullanılabilme, -       1 sistemle 2 sıcaklıkta eş zamanlı ölçüm, -       Tam otomatik temizleme ve kurutma, -       Küçük numune hacmi: 0,3 – 1,0 ml, -       Düşük solvent tüketimi: Numune başına 2 – 3 ml, -       Akışkan türünden bağımsız olarak son derece hassas sıcaklık kontrolü ve akış süresi ölçümü, -       Hızlı ve kolay tüp değişimi, -       İsteğe bağlı otomatik numune örnekleyici (30 ml kaplar için: 2 x 48 pozisyonlu, 12 ml vialler için 2 x 96 pozisyonlu) Özellikleri ve daha fazlası için iletişim adreslerimizden bizlere ulaşabilirsiniz. #Rotadia #Rls #Omnitek #Viscosity #Analysis #ASTMD7279 #ASTMD445 #Houillon #KinematicViscosity #Lubricants #Petroleum #Products #Analiz #KinematikViskozite #MadeniYağ #PetrolÜrünleri

  • Have you ever had sample spill out of your pipette tip while going to inject a sample? With our new Cito autosampler for S-flow IV this risk is eliminated by our new integrated drip-prevention system. Both before and after injection of the sample into the viscometer tube, a small cup will prevent the sample from dripping out of the pipette tip, contaminating the other samples. This way, cross-contamination of the samples will be avoided completely.   Cito autosampler has a sample capacity of 384 samples, offering 8-12 h unattended operation. This will allow you to free up your operators for other tasks, while Cito is running uninterrupted tests. And as the Cito can be paired with 2 S-flow IV systems, samples can be tested in multiple viscometer tubes at different bath temperatures, speeding up the testing process even more. It will also eliminate operational errors caused by incorrect injection that could cause air bubbles. #viscosity #autosampler #unattendedoperation #easyoperation #automation #houillon

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  • For those who missed it, we want to highlight again our redesigned Cito Autosampler for S-flow IV Houillon kinematic viscosity tester.   The new Cartesian XYZ design makes it more robust, durable and efficient. Cito can now also move diagonally, increasing the throughput and decreasing the time needed to pick up a sample and inject it into the S-flow IV system.   Watch the video below for a full view of the new Cito. Visit our website, call us, download a brochure or request a demo if you want a more personal encounter! #viscosity #viscositytesting #autosampler #ASTMD7279 #kinematicviscosity

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