Primal Soles | B Corp heeft dit gerepost
The world is f*cked. What we define as normal, if there were, in our collective human memory, ever a normal, has been twisted, turned and smacked against a brick wall. Like a dirty old towel that smells a bit too much like wet dog. Pugnant, I believe, is the correct word. The beginning of 2025 - and specifically 20 January 2025 - is a stark reminder of the unpredictability of normal. Whereas 2023 started off rather well: with a Financial Times award in Davos and hope, aspiration and - dare I say - motivation to do better, this year started off not with the motivation to do better but rather the imperative, the if-we-don’t-we-will-all-die dire need to do better. Not for our planet, of course, but rather for our future generations. Of that, there is no doubt. Davos 2025 is already yesterday. It’s already yesterday where André Hoffmann’s wise words of “It is not how you spend money, but how you make it” seems even more distant than Paul Polman’s wise words of “Our current economic system has two fundamental weaknesses: it’s based on unlimited growth on a finite planet, and it benefits a small number of people, not everyone”. In short: wealth is individual and immediate, prosperity is collective and distant. How do we approach this, somewhat inherent and primal, very human trait? I think the quest for this answer might bring us closer to the central tennet of a, if any, solution. It’s been a pleasure to once more be invited to the Innovate 4 Nature Dinner at the World Economic Forum by Barbara Dubach and her phenomenal team. A big thank you as always to the InTent team, specifically Jean Hauss and Stéphanie Janet Renggli. Without you and your support nothing we do at Primal Soles | B Corp would have any chance of succeeding. Our next project will be to bring all documentaries on WaterBear Network and to create a co-production for our next episode with the team of Sam Sutaria and Simon Cachera at V&S - Victor & Simon. We plan to visualize our impact through real-world clients, beginning with Hotel Jakarta Amsterdam by WestCord and Hunter Amenities International Ltd. Good to see, in no particular order, some familiar and new faces: Sandrine Dixson-Declève, Mirjam Staub-Bisang, Marco Lambertini, Simon Zadek, Frederic Hoffmann, Alexander Hoffmann, Jonathan Normand, Rudolf Hilti, Dr. Amelie Schoenenwald, Nadja Skaljic and clifford okoth. Thank you to Financial Times, Andrew Jack and Jonathan Moules, for my mention this issue: Alessandro Cristiano, we can’t wait to add you to our team once the opportunity arises. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing. Onwards!