🌳 As we approach Green Friday, we reflect on our recent green impact 🌳 Last Friday, we joined Natuurkracht Month in Mechelen to plant trees and help create Limburg’s longest hedge - a natural solution to protect against drought and flooding. A small step with a big impact. Our colleagues from Zuiderlicht developed an inspiring campaign for Natuurkracht to highlight the importance of nature restoration and encourage everyone to do their part. As part of our journey to becoming B Corp certified, we’re walking the talk, taking action and creating awareness for a better future. Natuurkracht is an initiative of Natuur en Milieufederatie Limburg, Het Limburgs Landschap, ARK Rewilding Nederland, Natuurmonumenten, and Wereld Natuur Fonds (WWF-NL), supported by the Nationale Postcode Loterij. Let’s continue working together with nature because it simply just can’t wait. #TotalDesign #Zuiderlicht #Natuurkracht #GreenFriday #Sustainability #NatureRestoration #WalkTheTalk #Biodiversity #Bcorp Photography: Jonathan Vos