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1️⃣ Embrace experimentation 2️⃣ Keep the human in the loop 3️⃣ Keep your core offering in the spotlight 4️⃣ Know your tech 5️⃣ Champion collaborative change These five principles are at the heart of the Market Research Society (MRS) latest report, Adoption & Integration: AI - Where Are We Now? At Tellet, we’ve put a lot of thought into delivering on that “human in the loop” element in particular. If you’re navigating AI in market research, this report is well worth a read. Hats off to MRS and the Delphi Group for their hard work on this. #MRS #AIResearch #QualitativeResearch #EvidenceMatters Debrah Harding, Neil Mortensen, Rose Tomlins, Colin Strong (FMRS), Gemma Proctor, Adrian Sanger, Patrick Alcantara, Zoë Ruffels CMRS, Dr Mark Thorpe, Jane Frost CBE