Coverfoto van VDL Weweler bv

Over ons

VDL Weweler develops, produces and sells parabolic springs, air suspension systems, special axles and related articles for manufactures of trailers, trucks and buses. VDL Weweler systems are robust and deliver reliability and cost-effective operation for on-highway applications as well as in the most demanding operating environments. The ISO-certified manufacturing facilities in Apeldoorn (The Netherlands) and Poperinge (Belgium) are highly automated: robotics play an important role in cost-effective and reliable production. VDL Weweler system solutions are designed with OEM serial production and specialist, medium volume applications in mind. Advanced logistics enable large Kanban and Just-in-Time deliveries to Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM).

51 - 200 medewerkers
Particuliere onderneming
trailing arms, air suspension systems, axle lifts en auxiliry axles


Medewerkers van VDL Weweler bv


  • VDL Weweler bv heeft dit gerepost

    VDL Weweler, a global leader in suspension systems for commercial vehicles, marked a significant presence at the IAA Transportation 2024 in Hannover, Germany. Celebrating 100 years of innovation, the company showcased its latest advancements in air suspension systems, mid-axles, and tag axles. The spotlight was on their cutting-edge MBS Omega system, designed for 9-ton and 10-ton trailer axles. During an exclusive interview with N. Balasubramanian, Erwin Verweij, Business Development Manager, VDL Weweler, shared key insights, shedding light on the company’s innovations, global market outlook, and its ambitions for the Indian market.  𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞: Erwin Verweij | VDL Weweler bv  #VDLWewelerIndia  #AirSuspensionTech #IndiaMarketExpansion

  • VDL Weweler has been awarded the Energy Award by the Gemeente Apeldoorn. The Energy Award is a special recognition for companies and organizations in Apeldoorn that take significant steps towards sustainable energy management.   At VDL Weweler, we manufacture air suspension systems for trailers and trucks. This requires a lot of energy, as the forming and moulding process of spring steel happens at extremely high temperatures. As an energy source, natural gas is often used. As we have a responsibility to facilitate the energy transition within our industry, we have introduced numerous production process innovations over the past 10 years.   These innovations are characterised by transitioning from natural gas to electricity and have resulted in fully automated production lines that use up to 80% less natural gas than a decade ago. In order to become increasingly more self-sufficient, we have our own solar panels with a capacity of 1000MWh and in the near future we will start using electricity from large local solar parks. Assisting in reducing the national electrical network congestion, we have the option to use our electrically heated liquid-salt-filled treatment baths as buffer storage.   Besides the natural gas reduction, we have currently reduced our specific CO2 emissions by 50%, and receiving this Energy Award only motivates us even more to continue developing our products and processes to further reduce the carbon footprint of the transportation sector and support a more circular lifecycle for our products. More info here: #Sustainability #EnergyAwards #Innovation #Ecofactorij #Green

  • VDL Weweler bv heeft dit gerepost

    Bedrijven die hun energieverbruik verduurzamen, verdienen waardering! Daarom hebben we gisteravond, samen met deA Duurzame Energiecoöperatie Apeldoorn, de Energy Award 2024 uitgereikt. Deze Award is een speciale prijs voor bedrijven en organisaties die veelbelovende maatregelen nemen om over te stappen naar duurzame energie en zo bijdragen aan een groene toekomst voor onze gemeente 🏆💚. VDL Weweler bv ging er met de eerste prijs vandoor! Ze wonnen deze prijs onder andere doordat ze met hun nieuwe productieproces 40% minder gas gebruiken. De tweede prijs ging naar Achmea, zij willen de hele campus in Apeldoorn per 2025 energie- en klimaatneutraal maken. Royal Reesink B.V. ging er met de derde prijs vandoor doordat ze ook meerdere maatregelen treffen op het gebied van energiegebruik. Bakkerij Fuite B.V. ontving de aanmoedingsprijs voor de verbetering van hun energiehuishouden. We zijn trots op alle bedrijven die met deze inspanningen meehelpen Apeldoorn verder op de kaart te zetten als een duurzame en toekomstbestendige gemeente. Van harte gefeliciteerd aan alle winnaars en deelnemers! 👏 Hele nieuwsbericht & juryrapport lezen:

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  • The IAA Transportation 2024 has come to an end yesterday after an entertaining and busy week. We would like to thank all of our customers, suppliers, partners and relations for visiting us during the show! We are grateful to have been able to celebrate our 100th anniversary with all of you and hope to continue our existing succesfull collaborations and are also looking forward to new strong and fruitful partnerships. We will stay in touch!

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  • VDL Weweler bv heeft dit gerepost

    VDL Weweler bv viert 100 jaar innovatie! Met 100 jaar geschiedenis heeft VDL Weweler zich ontwikkeld van een kleine producent van fietsonderdelen tot een toonaangevende speler in de wereld van voertuigvering. Op de IAA Hannover presenteren zij (stand A14 in Hal 26) hun nieuwe generatie veersystemen: 25% lichter, 25% minder energie om te produceren (gasloos) en gemaakt van 98% gerecycled staal. Klaar voor de toekomst! #VDLWeweler #Innovatie #Duurzaamheid #IAA2024

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  • From 17 to 22 September, the 2024 edition of the IAA trade fair will take place in Hannover Germany. For VDL Weweler, this edition will be highlighted by our 100th anniversary. 100 years of growth, development, innovations, patents, novelties, sustainability, but above all people! After all, it is the people who were, are and always will be the connecting factor that have ensured Weweler to grow into the fantastic company it is today. At our stand in hall 26, stand number A14, we look forward to welcoming you to discuss the next 100 years and raise a glass in the process. See you soon! The VDL Weweler team.

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