Bijdrage van Ritchie

Nieuw creatief werk...

Profiel weergeven voor Jan Verlinden

Chief Lemonade Maker at Ritchie

PLAY THIS VIDEO WITH SOUND In june I had the pleasure to attend the "how brands grow" seminar with Byron Sharp and Jenni Romaniuk. Jenni explained the importance and power of distinctive brand assets (non-brand name elements that can trigger the brand into memory for category buyers). A few great examples of brand assets are, the mascotte of Michelin, the 'cartoon style' ads from Red Bull (from sec 1 without seeing the brand name, you know what brand the ad is for), the jingle for Carglass (they use the same audio in all their 20+markets)... One of my key action points from the seminar : create a distinctive audio brand asset, with high 'earworm' potential... Today the reworked TVC will premier tonight at 'the masked singer' with the new Ritchie jingle. I am very happy how this turned out. Please watch attached video with full sound on and let me know if the 'earworm' objective is achieved... More work on 'distinctive brand assets' for Ritchie is under way. Stay tuned ... Interested to find out more ? I strongly recommend Jenni Romaniuk's book : "Building Distinctive Brand Assets" and "how brands grow" from Byron Sharp

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