Deze producten zijn voor de échte fijnproevers. Slim samengesteld, mooie finish, hoogwaardige afwerking. Bovenal een prima ondersteuning vanuit de fabrikant Exterus Lightology binnendienst.
With the addition of Belgian manufacturer Exterus Lightology, our portfolio is bigger than ever before. But it also became smaller, in a sense. Their focus on mini and micro fixtures is a perfect addition to our range of products. Take their Wally, for example. A spherical spot with a diameter of 60 mm, while still outputting 500 lumen. The Wally is exceptionally versatile. It is both decorative and functional and can be installed in a number of ways. Surface mounted, flush mounted, with a pendant, as part of a magnetic rail system, you name it. Want to know more? The Wally is featured in our Studio Range catalog, which you can download via our website. Take a look: #Exterus #StudioRange #Wally #UNLUMITED #BelgianManufacturing