10 years of the Basic Internet Foundation, and what have we achieved? 1. We solved the challenge of access! Reaching out to base stations more than 20 km away, and establish local #InfoSpots with free access for local citizens 2. We achieved #AffordableAccess at the cost of 20 USD/month. Thanks to Vodacom Tanzania Foundation for connecting with us more than 200 schools in #Tanzania, we look forward to have more operators to adopt the "Affordable Access for Education and Health" #AA4EDU. 3. We established vibrant communities in more than 15 countries in Africa, who help connecting schools and communities. 4. We are in worldwide partnerships supporting the concept of decentralised #InfoSpots with #health information UiO - Sustainable Health Unit (SUSTAINIT) , #energy SESA Project and #education African Child Projects Exciting years ahead, with the goal of connecting all #Schools of the world Giga , establishing Community Learning and Living Labs #CL3 across #Africa
Basic Internet Foundation
IT-tjenester og -rådgivning
Kjeller, Akershus 338 følgere
#ConnectTheFuture -fri tilgang til informasjon (text, bilder og lokal video) for digital inkludering og innovasjon
Om oss
Stiftelsen Basic Internet Foundation (BasicInternet), stiftet av Universitetssenteret på Kjeller (UNIK, nå Universitet i Oslo (UiO)) og Kjeller Innovasjon i 2014, tilbyr fri tilgang til tilpasset internett som bærer av digitalt innhold til mennesker med lav innkomst, i områder med lav eller ingen internettdekning, og med store behov. Stiftelsen bistår organisasjoner og selskaper med å tilpasse og formidle informasjon som gir hjelp til selvhjelp. Tjenestene kan omfatte undervisningssystemer, helsetjenester, jordbruks-informasjon, innovasjon, banktjenester eller andre tjenester som bidrar til økt velferd og verdiskapning. Basic Internett er designet for å overføre tekst og bilde. Nøkkelen ligger i at konseptet bruker lav kapasitet, hvilket er essensielt ved bruk av satellitt. Teknologien tillater ved simultan bruk mellom 400 og 600 brukere på 1 MB/s, hvilket er radikalt flere enn ved bruk av en standard nettleser. Dette muliggjør bruk av satellitt for å koble til mange brukere i et område hvor det kan knyttes en eller flere WiFi-soner til satellittmottaket. Konseptet er skreddersydd for å gi en grunnleggende tilgang InfoInternet for skoler og befolkning der Internett ikke finnes i dag, eller der ordinær tilknytning er for kostbart. Kostnadseffektivt kan BasicInternet derfor levere (i) tilpasset kapasitet til internett til skoler og (ii) tilrettelegge riktig og virksomt innhold sammen med andre aktører. I tillegg innebærer (iii) løsningen fri aksess til lokal video/streaming, og (iv) støtte oppunder kommersielt Internet virksomhet, når dette er ønsket.
- Nettsted
Ekstern lenke til Basic Internet Foundation
- Bransje
- IT-tjenester og -rådgivning
- Bedriftsstørrelse
- 2–10 ansatte
- Hovedkontor
- Kjeller, Akershus
- Type
- Ideell organisasjon
- Grunnlagt
- 2014
- Spesialiteter
- Digital inclusion, Human rights, Agenda 2030, SDGs, Internet lite, Digitisation, Development, Sustainability, Sustainable Development
Gunnar Randers vei 19
Kjeller, Akershus 2027, NO
Ansatte i Basic Internet Foundation
Linda Firveld
Chief Operational Officer, Co-CEO, telecommunications experts, eero - an Amazon company specialist, on a mission to deliver Wi-Fi that just works
Josef Noll
Professor at the Department of Technology Systems, University of Oslo & Secretary General of the Basic Internet Foundation
Sudhir Dixit
Wisam Mansour
Tilrettelegging for digital transformasjon for å fremtidssikre organisasjonens IT-drift | Strategisk Kontoansvarlig | MicroFocus.com | OpenText.com
The three building blocks for empowerment: Energy, Access & Information This time we focus on collaborative energy and energy neighbourhoods - Seminar at ITS@UiO on 7 Nov 2024 PM
Professor at the Department of Technology Systems, University of Oslo & Secretary General of the Basic Internet Foundation
Interested in how everyone of us can contribute to the energy transition? Join us at the "Transition towards collaborative SmartGrids" seminar Time/date: 7 Nov 2024, 1230-1530 Venue: ITS@UiO, Gunnar Randers vei 19, 2007 Kjeller Info: https://lnkd.in/gRdiqDaK Sabita Maharjan OLAF OWE Frank Eliassen Yan Zhang Geir Horn Matin Bagherpour Cato Alexander Bjørkli KNUT INGE FOSTERVOLD Lee A Bygrave Catherine Banet Lars Böcker Maunya Doroudi Moghadam Shiliang Zhang Daniel Gerbi D. Meysam Aboutalebi Juliana Zhang Hui Zhang Jonathan Muringani Jonas Olafsen Paal E. Engelstad Marianne Zeyringer Jun Elin Wiik Ola Hendseth Vebjørn Bakken Ole Schjødt-Osmo Department of Technology Systems, UiO The Norwegian Smartgrid Centre
Our work in connecting schools and communities is even more important in adaptation to #ClimateChange #FoodSecurity #Disinformation. With 75% of people in #SSA not using #MobileInternet [GSMA - Mobile for Development 2024]. Join us to #ConnectTheFuture
Professor at the Department of Technology Systems, University of Oslo & Secretary General of the Basic Internet Foundation
Joining the "Strategy for Norwegian Engagement with African Countries", being released today. As Espen Barth Eide, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, points out "#ClimateChange hits #Africa hard". Looking forward to the aspects of #DigitalInclusion and #DigitalEmpowerment, besides all the other topics like #Disinformation. Trond Riiber Knudsen Department of Technology Systems, UiO
May I ask for 7 min of your time? Please provide us your input on "Drivers for Mobile Internet" through this Google Form: https://lnkd.in/d_9zK5Aw Our team from Basic Internet Foundation with a.o. Josef Noll, Jonathan Muringani, Catherine R. Kimambo were asked by GSMA - Mobile for Development to create an evidence gap map (EGM) for the use of #MobileInternet and #Development. The envisaged output is the map with evidences and gaps on the link between mobile internet and development. We will screen about 1000 academic articles, and deep dive into 100-150 of them to establish evidences and gaps. We use your inputs from this form as a quality control to see if we have missed out on topics that we need to explore. Thus, if you recognise what is missing, or if you'd like to discuss more with us, please opt-in for a personal follow-up. Some of the inputs so far: "afraid of costs", "Internet is perceived as technology". For background information, please visit the GSMA report: "The State of Mobile Internet Connectivity Report 2023", indicating a.o. the gap of mobile internet uptake in South of Sahara Africa (SSA). https://lnkd.in/gCXqVWC Thanks to Caitlin Blaser Mapitsa Jamie Robertsen James Karanja for the collaboration with GSMa, Robert Owino, Barrack Otieno and her team at Aheri Basic Internet Limited (AHERINet) and Community Initiatives Support Services (CISS), as well as our team members Sudhir Dixit Wisam Mansour Danica Radovanović, Ph.D. for the support. Hope you can join and provide your input
Professor at the Department of Technology Systems, University of Oslo & Secretary General of the Basic Internet Foundation
#Industrial5G discussion at the #6GSummit in #Dresden. Love the input from Michael Bahr, Siemens on the industrial requirements for #6G. And of course, meeting Enrico Buracchini Hans Einsiedler Wolfgang Kellerer Riccardo Pascotto Gerhard Fettweis and discuss #ConnectTheFuture of every human.
What a pleasure to be invited as contributor to the session Is Chasing “Sustainable 6G Technology” Realistic? and bring across our views on #ConnectTheFuture of the youth, women and every human in Africa. I hope I can convince the auditorium to adapt the mode of the road, to be applied for access to the #Internet: #FreeAccess for #DigitalPedestrians and #DigitalCyclists https://lnkd.in/dRUjMCk3 and see my slides at https://lnkd.in/d8WHB4_X
Professor at the Department of Technology Systems, University of Oslo & Secretary General of the Basic Internet Foundation
6G Symposium in Levi, with "Crucial Conversations" as the theme to ask all the critical questions on #6G #Sustainability and #ConnectTheUnconnected. Besides the symposium, with our Sudhir Dixit presenting the IEEE Standards. Thanks Matti Latva-aho and Alexander Lawrence for a fantastic symposium. Basic Internet Foundation
+ 1
Our contribution to the #IWD2024 is to empower teenage mothers. If you are young and have a child, your choices are limited. Thanks to the Tumaini Open School, these #Women have the chance to finish their school education. Ingvild Oftedal decided to perform her Master at the Department of Technology Systems, UiO as a #MasterWithOpinion, and asked Ingeniører Uten Grenser Norge / Engineers Without Borders Norway for opportunities. That's how the journey started. Ingvild arrived in #Tabora, #Tanzania together with Trond Øines, thanks to the support by Trainor, Universitetet i Oslo, Ingeniører Uten Grenser Norge / Engineers Without Borders Norway, SESA Project and Basic Internet Foundation. She and Trond will: * Create an #InfoSpot for the access to information * Establish a local #SchoolServer with information material from the SESA Project * Install Energy Monitoring equipment to understand electricity usage * Build a sustainable energy supply, and * teach topics including #EnergyManagement, #DigitalSkills, #WorkOpportunities and help to #EmpowerWomen Thanks Ingvild Oftedal for working with us and bringing empowerment to the women of Tumaini. We are proud of your work. Are you ready to join us to empower more women? Please reshare/comment, or get involved through https://lnkd.in/dR9vNRss
Professor at the Department of Technology Systems, University of Oslo & Secretary General of the Basic Internet Foundation
Thanks for our female #WomenInTech Wisam Mansour, Danica Radovanović, Ph.D., Catherine R. Kimambo, Linda Firveld for #EmpowerWomen and #ConnectTheFuture of women and girls. Congratulation with the International Women's Day 2024. Ingvild Oftedal is picking up the work, now being at Tumaini Open School in bringing #EnergyInformation, #Connectivity and #BusinessOpportunities to teenage mothers. Thanks to SESA Project, Justina Tumaini Mashiba, Sandra Oswald and all others make the change happen.