Cflows cover photo


Produksjon av automasjonsmaskiner

Langevåg, More & Romsdal 5 356 følgere

Cflow develops, designs and manufactures complete fish handling systems for the fishery and aquaculture industry.

Om oss

Cflow AS develops, designs and produces fish handling systems for the fisheries-, and aquaculture industry. With 30 years of experience, and as a world leading supplier of systems for live-fish handling, Cflow works for maximising the potential of the recourses we collect from the ocean. For us the most important thing is that our equipment and technology is developed on the terms of nature. Since the company was founded in 2002, the number of employees has increased significantly, and Cflow has built an interdiciplinary competance that gives us the opportunity to develop and improve solutions at high speed. In collaboration with our costumers we contribute to drive the aquaculture industry forward, with a goal to develop and implement the future’s technology for fish handling. Today we are more than 100 employees, located in our main office in Langevåg, together with our two branch offices, in Trondheim and Puerto Varas in Chile.

Produksjon av automasjonsmaskiner
51–200 ansatte
Langevåg, More & Romsdal
Privateid selskap
Fiskehåndtering / Fish handling, Automasjonssystem / Automation, Fiskeri /Fishery, Akvakultur /Aquaculture, Produksjon / Production, Engineering, Havbruk, Avlusing / Delousing, Brønnbåt / Wellboat, Fiskefartøy / Fishing vessel, Servicefartøy, Fiskeprosessering / Fish processing, Wild catch, Lusebehandling / Lice treatment


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