Forsidebilde av Comrods

Om oss

Since 1946 Comrod has focused on a single objective, to provide the best performing technology to the world’s most demanding customers. Headquartered in Norway, with subsidiaries in France, Sweden, Hungary and the United States, Comrod serves customers globally with a wide range of solutions. - Comrod antennas, originally developed for fishermen braving the polar seas, are proven to combine exceptional durability with superior communication performance. Comrod antennas have been fielded on more than 27,000 US MRAP vehicles, and remain a staple of many NATO communication systems including UK Bowman. - Comrod ComPact power supplies provide four times the power density of competing solutions, while remaining compliant with the harshest electrical and environmental requirements. The newest variants supports AC/DC and DC/DC conversion in a single fully rugged and submergible unit. - Comrod offers the widest range of tactical masts in industry, ranging from man portable sectional to motorized telescopic masts capable of payloads exceeding 300kg. Tens of thousands of lightweight Comrod masts (formerly Wibe and Lerc) are in service and Comrod’s ultra-stable heavy duty masts facilitates Long Range Surveillance for on-the-move applications. Product performance and attention to detail has made Comrod a supplier to all top-tier tactical communication manufacturers. Comrod equipment is present on every continent in the most challenging environments on Earth, and we are proud to be reaching further as part of the Mars 2020 Rover Mission with NASA.

51–200 ansatte
Privateid selskap
Tactical Communications, Antennas, Masts, Power Supplies


Ansatte i Comrod


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