Er din virksomhet utsatt for trusler utenfra? 🕵♂️ Få svar på det du lurer på om Kina, etterretningsmål i Norge, industrispionasje, økonomiske sikkerhetstrusler med mer. 👮♀ Vi har invitert Politiets sikkerhetstjeneste (PST) til et frokostmøte der de forteller om sitt arbeid og om hva trusselvurderingene betyr for deg. TID: 28. november kl 9-10 STED: Forskningsparken, møterom Lyng Påmelding: Program: Generell info om PSTs mandat og hva statlig etterretningsaktivitet er Hvem er aktørene som truer norske interesser? Hvilke etterretningsmål i Norge er de interessert i og vilke metoder bruker de? Aktørenes, målenes og metodenes relevans for FoU/teknologi-sektoren Hva er ulovlig kunnskaps- og teknologioverføring? Om Kina som trusselaktør (interessefelt, modus operandi mv.) Hva er sikkerhetstruende økonomisk virkemiddelbruk og hvilke strategiske oppkjøp er relevant for teknologisektoren? Noen refleksjoner om hva dette betyr for norske virksomheter (verdivurderinger, kryssende hensyn osv.) Det er foto-, lyd, og videoforbud på arrangementet. #sikkerhet #etterretning #PST #spionasje #trusselvurdering
Forskningsparken - Oslo Science Park
Fast eiendom
Paving the way for tomorrows solutions, supporting scientists & entreprenours fixing the world. Run by Oslotech AS.
Om oss
Forskningsparken - Oslo Science Park - is one of the largest Science Parks in Europe with history dating back to 1984. Oslo Science Park's main goal is to contribute to entrepreneurship, commercialization and new industries in Norway. Oslo Science Park in home of some of the most innovative companies and networks in Norway. Among them StartupLab, Norway Health Tech, Aleap, ShareLab, the CIENS institutes, Digital Norway, The Life Science Cluster and a number of private and public companies. Every month, Oslo Science Park is the venue for a number of conferences and meetings - particularly on themes relevant to Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Forskningsparken - Oslo Science Park is run by Oslotech AS. The 57.000 square meter building is located near the University of Oslo, Oslo University Hospital and a number of research institutes in Oslo Science City. Around 300 companies are seated in the Science Park, and more than 3000 persons have their daily workspace here. Oslo Science Park Conference Centre The Oslo Science Park Conference Centre is easy to reach by public transport - ony 8 minutes travel from Oslo Central Station. We offer 20+ meeting rooms of varied size and capacity. Among them a meeting area on the top floor, with lounge, terrace and panoramic view of Oslo and the Oslofjord. Visit us at
- Nettsted
Ekstern lenke til Forskningsparken - Oslo Science Park
- Bransje
- Fast eiendom
- Bedriftsstørrelse
- 11–50 ansatte
- Hovedkontor
- Oslo
- Type
- Privateid selskap
- Grunnlagt
- 1984
- Spesialiteter
- Office spaces for rent, Laboratories for rent, Conference Centre, Startup facilities, Venue for events, Business environment, meeting rooms, Oslo Science Academy, course provider, courses, business incubators, accelerators, seed funding, arena, co-workings space, mentors, cafeterias, bakery, café, coffee, guest parking, services, panoramic view, green surrounding, science and technology
Gaustadalleen 21
Oslo, N-0674, NO
Ansatte i Forskningsparken - Oslo Science Park
Karl-Christian Agerup
Partner and Chief Investment Officer at Antler. Board Chair of Schibsted Marketplaces ASA
Anita Schwartz
Regnskapskonsulent at Oslotech AS
Ingar Madsen
Property Director at Forskningsparken AS
Sigurd Reistad Klæva
Communications & Brand Manager at Forskningsparken - Oslo Science Park
Noen nevnt – mange glemt? 🙈 😊 I en historie som strekker seg tilbake til 80-tallet er det mye og mange som har hatt stor betydning for utviklingen av miljøet i Forskningsparken. Vi tar likevel sjansen på å trekke fram noen høydepunkter. 📆 Del gjerne din del av historien! Les mer her: Inven2 NIELSTORP+ arkitekter Siva SF Startuplab Aleap ShareLab
Er du en del av Forskningsparkens historie? 📜 Denne uken er det 35 år siden Forskningsparken åpnet! 🎉 Gjennom disse årene har utallige selskaper, entreprenører, forskere og pionérer vært innom og skapt innovasjon, ny kunnskap og verdier. Del ditt beste minne! 👇 -- Are you part of Oslo Science Park's history? 📜 This week marks 35 years since Oslo Science Park opened! 🎉 Over the years, countless companies, entrepreneurs, researchers and pioneers have visited and created innovation, new knowledge and values. Share your best memory! 👇 Karl-Christian Agerup Alexander W. Mona Myrvold Marius Øgaard Esben A. Nilssen Per Einar Dybvik Rolf Assev Erling Nordbø Kathrine Myhre Bjørn Erik Reinseth Hans-Peter Daae Toril Røssaak Jørn Omland Ingar Madsen Sigurd Reistad Klæva
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For all potential #Board Members: Check out this workshop from SANDS Advokatfirma DA and Women in Life Science Norway (WiLD Norway). There are still some seats available!
📣 Announcing our first Board Training Workshop Jointly with SANDS Advokatfirma DA, we are hosting our fist Board Training Workshop: The Board's Responsibilities and Duties/ Styrets Ansvar og Plikter. Caterina Håland Gaeta and Kristin Solevåg will be breaking down the essential provisions in the Companies Act that every board member should know. These include: 🔹 Key regulations 🔹 Personal liability and how it may arise 🔹 Best practice for safeguarding against risks. This will be an excellent opportunity to familiarize yourself with the requirements of board members and get key takeaways if you are taking on a board position now or in the future. 🗓 The event will take place 17.00 - 20.00, 20th November, at SANDS Advokatfirma in Oslo. Sound interesting? 🔗 Link to registration and further information about the event is in the comments, below 👇 #WiLDNorway #CloseTheIndustryGap #CloseTheGenderGap #WomeninLifeScienceNorway #DiversityInLeadership #GenderEquality #NorwegianHealthSector #NorwayLifeScience #WomenInLeadership #LifeSciences #BoardTraining #WomenOnBoards Chelsea Ranger Cathy Capdeville Gunnveig Grodeland Ole J. Dahlberg Morten Egeberg Agnete Fredriksen Spiros Kotopoulis Charlotte Berg-Svendsen Ishita Barua, MD PhD Marthe Brovold Løberg Mariann Dønnum Elizabeth Smethurst
What an energy! 💥🤖 The future of innovation in Norway was represented in Oslo Science Park this weekend for the #FirstLegoLeague Challenge Oslo-finals for 10-16-year-olds. 27 teams participated in the #LEGO robot tournament and spent a day building, presenting and making friends! FIRST LEGO LEAGUE CHALLENGE FIRST® LEGO® League Scandinavia is organized by FIRST Scandinavia, a non-profit foundation located in Bodø, Norway. FIRST® LEGO® League is one of the initiatives to fulfil the foundation's vision: Through unique learning experiences, we will give children all over the world the joy of mastering science.
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Takk for at du var #lederforendag hos oss Louise Hestholm! Ungt Entreprenørskap Norge
I går hadde jeg gleden av å bli skygget av Louise Hestholm som del av Ungt Entreprenørskap Norges Leder for en dag i Forskningsparken - Oslo Science Park. Louise studerer innovasjon og entreprenørskap på Kristiania University College Bergen, og kom til NM for studentbedrifter med Abel SB. Det blir fort "information overflow" på en dag som dette og en litt heftig møtestafett. Men man skal ikke rekke noe, og det er bare å bruke god tid på å fordøye inntrykk. Vi fikk også med oss en fin seanse i Health2B Norway, før dagen ble avsluttet med samling for alle som var #lederforendag hos KBN. Du er velkommen tilbake når som helst Louise, og jeg satte pris på dagen sammen med deg! Grete Ingeborg Nykkelmo
What do you think? Is it about time to get back to the office? 🏢🚶♂️ Could it be that the post-pandemic rush of freedom has subsided, and we are slowly but surely realizing that a good work environment cannot be sent via email? Should we copy Amazon and make it mandatory to work from the office? At Oslo Science Park vi believe in the power of meeting in person - planned and by chance: "The daily work in a company is one thing, but informal meetings are also important. I usually say that our coffee bar is the most important room in the park. Here, people meet every single day over a coffee, and you might run into someone you haven't seen in a while. Such encounters can prove to be crucial," says CEO Bjørn Erik Reinseth. What benefits do you see in getting into work versus working from home? Read the story: #remotework #officelife #amazon Toril Røssaak
If you are sick, would you want healthcare workers to have information about your health easily available? Or if your medical history could contribute to helping others, would you want it to be shared with scientists doing research? Our health records are important information in treatment and research. But still; sensitive and personal data needs to be handled with care. At Oslo Science Park, several tenants work with digital solutions within the health sector, and data security is a top priority. #cypersecuritymonth Check out companies Ledidi, Diffia, Noteless and many more at
No plans for Halloween? 🎃 Come to Oslo Science Park and learn more about sharks! 🦈 👨🏫 Free lecture: Great white sharks of South Africa with Alessandro De Maddalena 🕔 October 31, 17.00-18.30, Kino ✍️ Sign up: Meet Alessandro De Maddalena, a shark researcher, lecturer, author and photographer. His lecture explores the biology, ethology and ecology of the great white shark in South African waters. Alessandro De Maddalena is a shark researcher, former Adjunct Professor of Vertebrate Zoology, lecturer, author, illustrator and photographer. He authored 20 books and over 100 articles on the biology of sharks. He has also given over 200 lectures at universities, museums and diving clubs in 18 Countries. He has hosted over 60 expeditions to observe sharks and orcas in South Africa, Australia and Norway. The lecture "Great white sharks of South Africa" lasts approximately 90 minutes and it's accompanied by many beautiful photos that the speaker took on the many expeditions he hosted since 2010 in the waters of False Bay, Gansbaai and Mossel Bay, in the Western Cape. The lecture explores the biology, ethology and ecology of the great white shark in South African waters. The following topics are covered: biology of the great white shark, its predatory tactics, field observation of the species, ecotourism, and threats to the species survival. At the end the speaker will be happy to answer the attendees' questions. The talk will be given in English.
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Forskningsparken - Oslo Science Park la ut dette på nytt
JEG HAR EN DRØM... Jeg har en drøm om at den norske utsikten over en frodig åker og et stort kornlager ikke skal gjøre oss så selvgode og kortsiktige at vi ikke lenger bryr oss om såkornet, at sommer og blå himmel ikke får oss til å glemme vinterens prøvelser. Jeg har en drøm om at vi i Norge kan heie på alle gründere, også de suksessfulle og rike, på samme måte som vi heier på overbetalte fotballspillere, og at ikke investeringer i gründerskap sees på som spekulativt, mens investering i eiendom derimot er moralsk høyverdig som fortjener vilkår som i et skatteparadis. Jeg har en drøm om at ledelsen av Norge vil ta Draghis rapport på alvor, at de bekymrer seg for at vår vekst ligger langt bak det landet vi elsker å hate – USA, at energi er helt essensielt for vår økonomi, ikke bare fargen på energien, men også prisen, slik at vi kan fortsette å eksportere industrivarer og ikke industribedrifter. Jeg har en drøm om at kjedelige ord som produktivitet, verdiskaping og effektivitet igjen blir verdier vi er opptatt av og ikke stues bort i fremmedordboken, verdiene som har dannet grunnlaget for det norske velferdssamfunnet, at verdiene igjen vil styre når også Norge må gjøre det kjipeste av alt – nemlig å prioritere. Forskningsparken - Oslo Science Park | Startuplab | Aleap | ShareLab | NAST - Norwegian Alliance for Startups & Tech