Maskinchef søges. Minimum (STCW-regl. III/3 as Chief Engineer) På vegne af kunde søger Maritime Management APS maskinchef til Scanbio Viking. Scanbio Viking, GT 2349 2206 KW, er et olie/kemitankskib under Dansk flag . Maskinchefen skal have erfaring fra olie/kemikalietankskibe. Ceritfikater påkrævet: - Minumum skibsmaskinist af 1. grad (STCW-regl. III/3 as Chief Engineer) - Sundhedsbevis. - Olie og kemikalie certifikat - Advanced. - Brandleder kursus + røgdykker. - §16 Scanbio Viking opererer hovedsageligt i Nordeuropa, derfor er Skandinavisk bagrund en fordel. Gode lønforhold tilbydes. Kontaktoplysninger: Crewing manager. Paul Hårvard Sørensen / tlf +47 47976794. English: Looking for Chief engineer. Minimum (STCW-regl. III/3 as Chief Engineer) On behalf of client, Maritime Management APS is looking for a chief engineer for Scanbio Viking. Scanbio Viking, GT 2349 2206 Kw, is an oil/chemical tanker under Danish flag. The chief engineer must have oil/chemical tanker experience. Certificates required: - Minimum (STCW-regl. III/3 as Chief Engineer) - Health certificate. - Oil and chemical certificate - Advanced. - Fire figther course – Advanced - §16 Scanbio Viking operates mainly in Northern Europe, therefor is Scandinavian background is preferred. Contact: Crewing manager. Paul Hårvard Sørensen / tlf +47 47976794.
Maritime Management AS
Transport, logistikk, forsyningskjede og lagring
Smooth sailing - Your trusted buniness partner
Om oss
Maritime Management A/S Established in 1993 as consultant's agency, Making documentation to vessels and ship owners. Today around 30 vessels in fleet (various scope) Document of compliance for Norwegian, Danish and Vanuatu flag The main office is located in Trondheim Norway, the technical department is located in Bergen. Maritime Mangement does also have a Danish company located in the northern part of Denmark. Today Maritime Management offer a range of services and software: - All inclusive Vessel Management - Safety and Quality Management (ISM) - Crew Management - Technical Management - Vetting services (offshore and Tankers) - General consultancy - Software: -Fleet Manager: Complete software solution for ship management • Maintenance, • Spare part system • ISM/ ISO reporting, internal and external. SKIPSDRIFT.NO: PO system: Control of all purchases with PO numbering. Purchasing matrix Low user threshold: simple to use for the crew Quality assured vendors/ costs. Replaces the purchasing department Budget control: Includes overview of budget/ costs. IHM: Today around 30 vessels in fleet (various scope) Document of compliance for Norwegian, Danish and Vanuatu flag
- Nettsted
Ekstern lenke til Maritime Management AS
- Bransje
- Transport, logistikk, forsyningskjede og lagring
- Bedriftsstørrelse
- 2–10 ansatte
- Hovedkontor
- Trondheim
- Type
- Ansvarlig bedrift
- Grunnlagt
- 1993
- Spesialiteter
- Vessel Management, Technical Management , Planned maintenance system, Procurement software, ISM/ ISPS, Vetting
Trondheim, 7049, NO
Trondheim, 7049, NO
Ansatte i Maritime Management AS
We are proud to announce a new vessel in the fleet, ScanBio Viking is as of 11/06 2024 transferred to our management, we look forward to a good collaboration with ScanBio Logistics AS Vi er stolte over at kunne præsentere et nyt skib i flåden, ScanBio Viking er pr 11/06 2024 er overgået til vores management, vi ser frem til et godt samarbejde med ScanBio Logistics AS
🔺STILLINGEN ER BESAT🔺 *** Kaptajn søges*** På vegne af kunde søger Maritime Management APS kaptajn til Scanbio Viking. Scanbio Viking, GT 2349, er et olie/kemitankskib under dansk flag. Kaptajnen skal have erfaring fra olie/kemikalietankskibe. Ceritfikater påkrævet: - Sundhedsbevis. - Olie og kemikalie certifikat - Advanced. - Brandleder kursus + røgdykker. - Sygdomsbehandler - Skibskiste-A - ECDIS kursus (Foruno Tecdis) - GMDSS certifikat (GOC) - Farledsbevis (Norske kyst) ( Jærens rev - Hammerfest) - CC ( Certificate of competence as master on ships below 3000GT) Scanbio Viking opererer hovedsageligt i Nordeuropa. Kontaktoplysninger: Crewing manager. Paul Hårvard Sørensen / tlf +47 47976794. English: On behalf of client, Maritime Management APS is looking for a captain for Scanbio Viking. Scanbio Viking, GT 2349, is an oil/chemical tanker under Danish flag. The captain must have oil/chemical tanker experience. Certificates required: - Health certificate. - Oil and chemical certificate - Advanced. - Fire figther course - Advanced - Medical care certificate - Ship chest-A - ECDIS course (Foruno Tecdis) - GMDSS certificate (GOC) - CC (Certificate of competence as master of ships under 3000GT) - Norwegian pilot exceptionen cerificate "Farledsbevis" Norwegian coast( Jærens rev - Hammerfest) Scanbio Viking operates mainly in Northern Europe. Contact: Crewing manager. Paul Hårvard Sørensen / tlf +47 47976794.