💡 The Nordic Hydrogen Valleys Conference has now started in Luleå, Sweden! Yesterday participants had the opportunity to visit Luleå University of Technology labs, Hybrit, and Swerim, which you can read more about in the post below. In the coming two days Nordic Energy Research will host sessions, activities, and workshops focusing on advancing hydrogen development in the Nordic region. Follow Nordic Hydrogen Valleys as Energy Hubs for the most recent updates from the conference.
Kicking off the Nordic Hydrogen Valleys Conference Today, Nordisk Energiforskning and the Nordic Hydrogen Valleys as Energy Hubs Programme soft started the Nordic Hydrogen Valleys Conference by visiting Luleå University of Technology laboratories, Hybrit, and Swerim. 🔬 At the Luleå University of Technology laboratories, we had a guided tour by the researchers manning the laboratory equipment. The lab activities vary from hydrogen-producing algae to photographing steel atoms interacting with hydrogen. 🏭 For the HYBRIT initiative, fossil-free hydrogen is central. At their 50 metre high direct reduction plant, one tonne of sponge iron is produced every hour, and since the initiative started, 6000 tonnes have been produced. However, the production is not the main thing, but the process, the research, and the development. The plant provides the excel sheet for making production possible, technically, sutainably, and economically. In 2024, six years of research came to an end, and the next step to implement the Hybrit technology on an industrial scale. ⚙️ Swerim is a significant contributor to the hydrogen value chain. By conducting needs-based industrial research and development on metals and their route from raw material to finished product, Swerim works toward a fossil-free and circular industry. Thank you to all participants for engaging in the three site visits. We look forward to continuing the discussions tomorrow, when the Nordic Hydrogen Valleys Conference officially begins. Luleå tekniska universitet | SSAB | LKAB | Vattenfall | Klaus Skytte | Kevin Johnsen | Lise Nielson | Ole Aune Ødegård | Cecilia Wallmark | Michael Ross | Lin April Løstegård | Clarissa Palú | Andrea Correa | Dina Shona Laila | Kajsa Li Paludan | Manuel Agredano Torres | Parvathi Thampi | Teemu Lindqvist | Maria Backlund | Bavesh Moorthy | Mogens Lykketoft