Norwegian Fashion Hub

Norwegian Fashion Hub

Detaljhandel av klær og mote

Oslo, Oslo 1 266 følgere

Association for the Norwegian Fashion Industry

Om oss

Norwegian Fashion Hub is an association for brands within the Norwegian Fashion Industry. The association is managed by Norwegian Fashion & Textile Agenda which is a non-profit innovation company established to develop a sustainable and circular fashion industry in Norway. Norwegian Fashion Hub is a driving force for building expertise and stimulating the development of the Norwegian fashion industry. Norwegian Rain | Cathrine Hammel | Epilogue | HAiKw/ | Tom Wood | FWSS | ByTiMo | THE PRODUCT | Mole | Cala Jade | Kattnakken | Kastel Shoes | MeMini | Oleana | Aphru | Kashmina | Fleischer Couture | Made With Hart | GaitLine | Kaibosh | ESP | Iben | Varsity Headwear | Aurlands | Ella&il | BRGN | Holzweiler | Swims | Lillelam | KAOS | FRAM | MAUD | Studio EBN | As We Are Now | Hippi Grace | Julius Cæsar | Livid | MOO | Line of Oslo | Moiré | Nordic Kids | Onepiece | Hasla | Julie Josephine | Michael Olestad | Fogg Gildeskål | New Movements | Tagyourshoes | iis Woodling | Nvrlnd | Sleepers |

Detaljhandel av klær og mote
2–10 ansatte
Oslo, Oslo
Ansvarlig bedrift
norwegian fashion, fashion industry, fashion investment, worth the investment


Ansatte i Norwegian Fashion Hub


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