NTNU Energy Transition Seminar: Modernizing Norwegian Hydropower 🌊 Norwegian hydropower has powered communities and industry for generations. 📢 This event explores how modern upgrades can extend that legacy by meeting new demand while balancing economic returns, societal benefits, and environmental preservation. 👍 We hope you’ll join us in Gruva/NTNU or online for an engaging discussion. https://lnkd.in/dnfEr9_V
Om oss
NTNU Energy is one of five strategic research areas at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). We represent NTNU's energy research and the university's 600 researchers in the energy field. We build knowledge that helps to ensure access to climate-friendly, nature-friendly and fair energy for everyone.
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- 501-1 000 ansatte
- Hovedkontor
- Trondheim
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- Ideell organisasjon
- Grunnlagt
- 2024
Høgskoleringen 1
Trondheim, NO
Ansatte i NTNU Energy
😁 A great way to start the year! 📢 Join FME NTRANS lunch webinar about energy transition: exploring prosumerism and new pathways! #energy #transition #prosumerism
How can prosumerism and sufficiency drive the energy transition forward? Kick off 2025 with NTRANS at our first lunch webinar of the year! Thisevent dives into exciting discussions on innovative energy solutions for the future. 📅 When: Wednesday, January 29th, 2025 🕐 Time: 12:00–1:00 PM 🎙️ Topic: “Sufficiency in the Energy Transition: Exploring Prosumerism and New Pathways” 📍 Where: Microsoft Teams – Click here to join: https://lnkd.in/duPdvByM In this session, researcher Marius Korsnes(马力)from Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet (NTNU) and FME NTRANS (Norwegian Centre for Energy Transition Strategies) will present the article “How can energy prosumerism align with sufficiency and justice principles? A typology for policymakers, researchers and practitioners,” recently published in Energy Research & Social Science (https://lnkd.in/dyFHEXg6). 💡 How can prosumerism—where individuals actively participate in both energy production and consumption—support sustainability and justice? Gain insights from groundbreaking research and explore new approaches to the energy transition. Joining the discussion: • Nicola Labanca • Ines Campos (Ce3C, University of Lisbon) • Paolo Bertoldi (European Commission, Joint Research Centre) 🎯 Don’t miss the chance to learn from leading experts in the field. 🔗 Learn more about the event here: https://lnkd.in/duS8DKZa We look forward to seeing you there! 🌍
Big day! Formalizing a new team in NTNU Energy about climate positive cities. At this meeting we discussed name, scope and activities. Looking forward to the next steps. Are you interested to join? Please reach out. #energy #efficiency #sustainability Arild Gustavsen Elisa Junqueira de Andrade Asgeir Tomasgard
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Another year working for #energytransition! Amazing to see so many joining the common effort 👌.
The 2025 edition of the EERA DeepWind offshore wind R&I conference has now officially started 🥳 Conference chair Konstanze Kölle opened the proceedings and welcomed on stage SINTEF's VP research Petter Støa to give the first keynote⤵️ He mentioned during his address that Europe must stand together to stay competitive and find international partners to secure its position on the global stage in the field of offshore wind. Next up was Sverre Gjerde, Leading Engineer Electrical Power Systems, Equinor, presenting results from the Green Platform project Ocean Grid. Ocean Grid has been active over the past three years, developing new technology, knowledge and solutions needed to enable the the profitable development of a Norwegian offshore grid, to enable bottom-fixed and floating offshore wind. The conference continues until Friday. Watch this space for regular updates! #offshorewind #researchanddevelopment
📢 Hydrogen har lenge vært "the next big thing" som vil bidra til overgangen fra fossil til grønn og nullutslippsenergi. ☀️ Da må hydrogen produseres fra fornybar energi som sol, vind eller ren vannkraft. Vi har løsingene, men det er fremdeles noe usikkerhet knyttet til bruk og lagring av hydrogen. 👍 Det er det ingen grunn til å ha, skriver Nicola Paltrinieri og Rita V. d'Oliveira Bouman (PhD) i en kronikk publisert denne uka. Det handler om bruk av KI til å ta seg av sikkerheten. Les kronikken - lenke i kommentarfeltet. #hydrogen #sikkerhet #kunstingintelligens #ai #fornybar Asgeir Tomasgard Svein Sunde Hilde Venvik Andreas Echtermeyer Foto: Ole Berg-Rusten/TU
På tide å sette av dato i kalenderen! Vårens vakreste eventyr innen energiomstilling: Energy Transition Conference 2025 er under planlegging!
Time to Rethink and Redesign the energy transition? That is the main topic in this years Energy transition conference. April 2nd in Trondheim and streamed online. Links to the conference page and registration in the first comment! Topics during the day. - Global Stocktake and the Urgent Need for Policy - Dialogue on Shifting of Political Momentum - Secure and Reliable Supply Chains - Dialogue on Access to Capital - Solutions Needed – Timing and Scaling Will you be there? Meet among others: Tor Grande Korpås Magnus Terje Aasland Joyeeta Gupta Torjus Folsland Bolkesjø Diana Urge-Vorsatz Martin S. Lundby Hafslund Oslo Celsio Statkraft Equinor Norwegian Ministry of Energy University of Amsterdam International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) Central European University Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) #energytransition
❓ Hvorfor ønsker poltikerne å kutte strømkablene til gode naboer? 🌡️ Samtidig som vi ikke klarer å bygge ut egen kraft, og subsidierer økt forbruk gjennom strømstøtte? 💬 Det stusser energiforskerne Magnus Korpås, NTNU og Audun Botterud i MiT på. 👀 Les kronikken i Aftenposten og bli litt klokere. #ntnuenergi #ntnuenergy #ntnu #energi #strøm Korpås Magnus Asgeir Tomasgard
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Vi presenterer vår nyeste publikasjon: “Omstilling i Norge: Energi, transport og husholdninger mot 2035”. Et agendanotat som tar et kritisk blikk på de utfordringene og mulighetene som former vår felles fremtid. 🔍 Dypdykk i nøkkeltemaer: • Energiomstilling og klimatilpasning: Hvordan kan vi integrere strategier for utslippskutt med behovene for klimatilpasning? • Rettferdig omstilling: Hvordan sikrer vi at endringene gagner alle, uansett geografisk eller sosial bakgrunn? • Innovasjon i samhandling: Vi utforsker nye måter å koble fagfelt og samfunnsinteresser på for å møte morgendagens utfordringer. Dette notatet er ikke bare en forskningsagenda; det er en invitasjon til samarbeid og diskusjon. Vi ønsker å engasjere med industrien, akademiske miljøer, og offentlige beslutningstakere for å sikre at vi tar smarte, gjennomtenkte valg for fremtiden. 📘 Les hele notatet her: https://lnkd.in/dbXB4xe4 Dine tanker og innsikter er uvurderlige for oss. Hvilke utfordringer ser du i omstillingen mot et mer bærekraftig samfunn i 2035? La oss starte en diskusjon! Tomas Moe Skjølsvold (NTNU), Maria Lavrutich (NTNU), Mette Helene Bjørndal (NHH), Gisle Solbu (NTNU), Allan Dahl Andersen (UiO), Stefan Jaehnert (SINTEF), Kari Espegren (IFE), Markus Steen (SINTEF), Pernille Merethe Sire Seljom (IFE), Ragnhild Freng Dale (VF), Gunnar Eskeland (NHH), Geoffrey Sean Gilpin (HVL), Anders Hammer Strømman (NTNU), Hans Jakob Walnum (VF), Nils Oskar Tronrud (NTNU), Vivek Sinha (NTNU), Pedro Crespo Del Granado (NTNU) og Joaquin Zenteno Hopp (VF) #FME NTRANS #Energieffektivisering #Klimaomstilling #FremtidensNorge #Innovasjon
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Why should Norway continue to invest and take part in the battery value chain, on both the national and European level? Read our new piece at dn.no: https://lnkd.in/dkt8jdMp We strongly believe that Norway has both the competence and people to contribute in the European market. We are not only obliged to do our best in working towards a more sustainable value chain, but Norway also has the industry and green power supply to make batteries with less emissions than our competition in China and USA. We are proud to work alongside the strong Norwegian industry and research within battery technology, and will continue to work hard to make a positive mark towards the European market! Morrow Batteries - Elinor Batteries - Hanne Flåten Andersen - Odne Burheim
Norsk batteriindustri er fortsatt veldig viktig
Vi burde gjort mye annerledes for å unngå plutselige hopp i strømprisen, forklarte Professor Asgeir Tomasgard i dagens NRK Nyhetsmorgen. -Vi burde ha bygd ut mer fornybar kraft for å unngå at pristoppene blir så høye og mange. Og vi burde i større grad ha fokusert på energieffektivisering og fleksibilitet, uttrykte han. Tomasgard peker til effektforbedringer i eksisterende vannkraftverk og mer vindkraft på land som tilgjengelige løsninger. https://lnkd.in/dmXuV-kj Norsk rikskringkasting(NRK), Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), NTNU Faculty of Economics and Management, NTNU Energy Transition Initiative (NETI) #strøm #strømpris
Nyhetsmorgen - TV: I dag · – Strømstøtten er en dårlig idé - NRK TV