Ocean Autonomy Cluster la ut dette på nytt
Hi all! We are starting a "dugnad" to bring the entire OpenBridge design guideline into web components. We believe the value of OpenBridge will grow exponentially with a high-quality, comprehensive code library for all the content we have produced and are releasing in the upcoming OpenBridge 6.0. This include all UI components, and all of the specialized content such as automation, propulsion, SA support, navigation and much much more. It will most likely be the largest open source repository of maritime user interface components in existence. To achieve this, we are launching a Joint Industry Project (JIP), enabling industry partners to contribute to financing the resources needed. Companies that join the JIP will have direct access to the work as it progresses. To incentivize participation, there will be a 12-month embargo on the code before it is released as open source. We have already secured the minimum industry funding needed to start the project, and coding begins this week. However, we are still seeking support from companies that wish to participate—whether to address their internal development needs or to help the industry accelerate faster toward open user interfaces and safer maritime operations. If you want to support open innovation in maritime workplaces, please consider joining this initiative. You can also help us by spreading the word—share, comment, or forward this post to relevant contacts. Joining the JIP is a small step for any company but a huge leap for maritime transformation. 😉 👉 Click here to read more about the proposition. https://lnkd.in/gRYJyaya 👉 Click here to register your interest in the form. (Note: Registering is not a commitment but will enroll you in our process.) https://lnkd.in/gTuWe3tY #openinnovation #openbridge Ocean Industries Concept Lab