PetroTeach (Norwegian Oil & Gas Training Center)

PetroTeach (Norwegian Oil & Gas Training Center)

Olje og gass

World Class Professional Training

Om oss

PetroTeach as a training center established in Norway to offer different levels of courses and learning tools to meet professionals requirements in the oil and gas industry. The Academy is deploying advanced training styles and tools with employment the best trainers and instructors in the field. Our mission is to secure fulfillment of the demand and requirements from oil and gas companies for technical competence development. Our Training Style is inclusive and designed to cover various aspects of demands, capacity, and preferences of our participants. It is consistent with different well-known learning styles, varies from face to face, and distance learning. We also offer hybrid or blended training. We deliver courses face to face in the classrooms or upon request from our customers, training is conducted in-house. We implement advanced digital environments for distance learning. Our Instructor Team has been selected from outstanding professionals from the industry with years of working experiences in the industry and research institutes. They have in addition a long record of accomplishment in mentoring junior staffs and delivering advanced and technical courses.

Olje og gass
2–10 ansatte
Privateid selskap


Ansatte i PetroTeach (Norwegian Oil & Gas Training Center)


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